Resolved: Issues Regarding Certified Copies of Texas Titles (CCOs) Following RTS 9.2 Release

Good Morning,

Following the release of RTS 9.2, specific errors related to Texas title records were identified, the following of which were resolved by Saturday, February 16, 2019:

  • When an existing Texas Title record is not found in a Title Event, Texas
    Ownership Evidence types will be unavailable for selection in the
    drop-down on the Ownership Evidence screen.

    Contact your local Regional Service Center should an existing Texas title record
    not be found when a Texas title type is surrendered as ownership evidence. 
    The Regional Service Center will confirm the validity of the surrendered ownership
    evidence and request Vehicle Data Management staff add the record to the
    Registration and Title System to facilitate completion of the transaction.

  • When an existing Texas Title record is found, the following message
    will be presented to the clerk if Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin
    is selected on the Ownership Evidence screen.

    Texas title ownership

    The surrendered ownership evidence should be reviewed to ensure the correct
    ownership evidence type was selected when presented with this message.

As always, if you run into a scenario where a Texas title cannot be processed when there is not a business reason for it to be stopped, please request an authorization override code and log a ticket
with as many details as possible to help us accurately identify the issue.

If you have any questions, please contact a Customer Service representative at our Consumer Relations Division. If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. 


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Consumer Relations Division

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Issues Regarding Certified Copies of Texas Titles (CCOs) Following RTS 9.2 Release

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