Temporary Suspension of Motor Carrier IRP Requirements for Disaster Relief

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has suspended certain vehicle registration requirements related to Apportioned Registration, also known as the International Registration Plan (IRP), and Temporary Permits for operators of commercial motor vehicles involved in Hurricane Beryl disaster relief in Texas. The suspension covers:

  • International Registration Plan (IRP) vehicle registration under Transportation Code, Section 502.091 and 43 TAC 217.56 to the extent the vehicle is not already registered under IRP, as long as the motor vehicle is registered in one of the 48 contiguous states of the United States; and
  • 72-/144-hour temporary registration permits under Transportation Code, Section 502.094 and 43 TAC 217.40(b)(3), as long as the vehicle is registered in another state of the United States or a state of the United Mexican States.

The suspension is needed to make it faster and easier for operators of commercial motor vehicles from Texas and other states to provide assistance to both Texas and Louisiana by temporarily waiving vehicle registration requirements to travel in and through the state of Texas. Although smaller passenger vehicles are granted free vehicle registration in Texas via registration reciprocity agreements with other states, commercial motor vehicles are not granted free vehicle registration under such agreements.


Examples of disaster assistance include, but are not limited to, vehicles engaged in the transport of relief workers, food, water, clothing, equipment, materials, fuel, shelter, and other supplies to the impacted areas, as well as vehicles used to restore utilities and to remove debris from the impacted areas.


The suspension only applies to the vehicle registration requirements for operators of commercial vehicles that are providing disaster assistance pursuant to the declarations referenced in Governor Abbott’s proclamation. The suspension does not apply to any other requirement, including any safety requirements. Also, operators are responsible and liable for safely routing their vehicles and obtaining current restrictions and information concerning hazardous road conditions prior to movement.

Operators must keep a copy of Governor Abbott’s proclamation AND a copy of the TxDMV Waiver Notice signed by the TxDMV Executive Director in the cab of the vehicle to provide to any peace officer upon request: documentation sufficient to identify the vehicle and/or load and to establish that the vehicle and/or load is being used exclusively for disaster relief efforts associated with Hurricane Beryl while operating under Governor Abbott’s suspension.

Texas Governor Abbott’s Proclamation: ATTACHED 





Source: Motor Carriers
Temporary Suspension of Motor Carrier IRP Requirements for Disaster Relief

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