REMINDER – New Training Course on TalentLMS for Learners
C-101 – Introduction to Motor Vehicle Fraud
As a reminder, on February 18, 2025, the Compliance Services Section (CSS) announced the expansion of title fraud training offerings.
The first module in the new series, C-101 – Introduction to Motor Vehicle Fraud, will be available on TalentLMS for Learners beginning March 3, 2025. This course is a prerequisite to obtaining the following RTS security permissions:
Title/Registration Functions
- Title Application
- Exempt Authority
- Correct Title Rejection
Existing RTS users have until July 1, 2025 to complete this TalentLMS course to maintain access to the above functions. New RTS user profiles created after March 3, 2025 will need to complete this course along with the other courses listed on the RTS-to-Module Mapping chart to be granted access to the above functions.
The associated security permissions will not be disabled if completion of these modules is reported to the department by July 1, 2025. However, if the department is unable to verify completion after this date, the permissions will be disabled until the modules are completed and verified.
Please contact if you have questions regarding this communication.
IMPORTANT NOTE: RTS users who need their TalentLMS login credentials should talk to their supervisor.
Thank you,
Corrie Thompson, Director
Enforcement Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles