Compliance Services Revised Areas of Oversight



                                  Compliance Services Revised Areas of Oversight


Dear Tax Assessor-Collector Community,

To continue creating efficiencies with our county partners, the Compliance Services Section of the Enforcement Division has realigned the areas of oversight assigned to local compliance specialists. Compliance specialists will now be assigned to specific areas of the state and will conduct on-site compliance reviews within the counties in the area. This provides further flexibility to allow compliance specialists to conduct reviews and provides a larger pool of contacts for county tax assessor-collectors for support.

We are including the revised map documenting the areas of oversight along with a contact list of compliance specialists statewide for reference.

This revision modifies assignments of on-site compliance reviews only. Per our communication sent to the Tax Assessor-Collector community on February 17, 2022, compliance specialists will continue to conduct off-site compliance reviews for all counties on a rotating basis, regardless of areas of assignment.

Please reach out to CSS Manager, Charlie Escobedo, at if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Corrie Thompson
Director, Enforcement Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Compliance Services Revised Areas of Oversight

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