County RTS Release Notes 10.1.0 follow-up addendum

Good afternoon,

This past weekend, on June 19, 2021, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) updated the Registration and Titling System (RTS) with Release 10.1.0.  We sent out the first round of RTS Release Notes prior to the update, on Friday afternoon, June 18, 2021.

This notification comprises a follow-up addendum to the RTS Release Notes sent on Friday afternoon, with additional content as summarized below.  Please consider the content below, in conjunction with Friday’s RTS Release notes, as the complete content summary for RTS Release 10.1.0.




  • In the Renewal event, Title Application event for a Corrected-Original, and Correct Title Rejection event, the city scofflaw remark will carry forward on the vehicle record. In the Correct Title Rejection event, the county scofflaw remark will carry forward on the vehicle record.
  • Vehicles with Disabled Veteran or Disable Veteran with International of Accessibility (ISA) License Plates have a maximum weight limit of 18,000 pounds. Vehicles with Disabled Veteran License Plates that have a body style of Motor Home (MH) may be registered with a maximum weight limit of 80,000 pounds.
  • Users in RTS and webSUB will not see the following LIRAP inspection types:
    • OBD – ODB Safety Emission Inspection
    • EMONL2 – OBD – Emission Inspection Only
    • EMONL3 – Emission Inspection Only
    • TSIOBD – TSI/OBD Safety Emission
    • A webDEALER user will not see the following inspection types for an out of state buyer tag when payment is collected:
      • OBD – ODB Safety Emission Inspection
      • EMONL2 – OBD – Emission Inspection Only
      • EMONL3 – Emission Inspection Only
      • TSIOBD – TSI/OBD Safety Emission

  • The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

  • The Texas Master Naturalist specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

  • The PGA Foundation specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

  • The Big Bend National Park Fossil specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

  • The Monarch Butterfly specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

  • The Texas is Home specialty license plate is available for the following Registration Classes.
    25, 26 PASSENGER
    35, 36 TRUCK

       Digital License Plates (DLP):

  • The registration renewal notice will display the DLP administrative fee, if a vehicle is registered with a DLP.

  • A vehicle registration with a DLP can be renewed through webSUB.

  • The RTS POS application was modified to reflect the DLP data elements where applicable when vehicle transactions are processed.

  • RTS will automatically remove the DLP when the status of the vehicle record is updated to one of the following:
    • Certificate of Authority
    • Crushed
    • Nonrepairable/Junked
    • Owner Retained
    • Salvage
    • Title Surrendered by OOS
    • Title Surrendered by Salvage Yard

  • A vehicle with current registration and a DLP can be renewed through RTS.

  • A vehicle with current registration can be renewed through RTS and the DLP can be removed from the vehicle record.

  • A customer can renew their expired vehicle registration with a DLP.

  • When a vehicle registration with a DLP is renewed and there is a request to change the plate type, the plate type may be changed only if the plate type is eligible for a DLP.

  • A customer requests to have their DLP removed during registration renewal and the vehicle record has a special license plate, RTS will perform the following:
    • RTS will unlink the DLP record, remark, and indicator from the vehicle record;
    • RTS will issue a windshield sticker when renewing a vehicle with a windshield; and
    • RTS will issue a plate sticker and a voided windshield sticker when renewing a vehicle with a plate sticker.

  • A customer with a DLP requests an exchange to a new plate type, if qualified, the exchange will be processed, and the DLP administrative fee will be prorated to match the new registration expiration date.

  • A customer with a DLP requests a replacement of metal license plate and keeps the DLP, the new metal license plates will be issued and assigned to the vehicle record.

  • A customer with a DLP requests a replacement plate sticker and wants to keep the DLP. A plate sticker will be issued and the DLP record will remain linked to the vehicle.

  • A customer may replace their metal license plate(s) and registration sticker and have a DLP removed.

  • A customer may replace their special license plate and have a DLP removed.

  • A customer may keep the same specialty plate type or select a new plate type (general issue) and keep the DLP.

  • When a customer request to remove their DLP, the vehicle registration will be modified using registration correction.

  • When a user voids a vehicle registration with a DLP, the DLP administrative fee is refunded along with the registration and other fees that were collected for the transaction.

  • RTS POS will not allow a title transfer on a vehicle record with a DLP when a dealer license number is entered or record not applicable is selected. RTS POS will unlink the DLP and the DLP vendor will be notified.

  • When there is a change of ownership by adding or removing one or more persons on a title transfer with a DLP, a pop-up message will display to determine if the DLP will remain on the vehicle record, “Will the digital license plate remain on the vehicle?” Yes/No

  • In the Correct Title Rejection event, RTS will allow the DLP to be removed from the vehicle record.

  • When a DLP record is linked to a vehicle record in RTS, the DLP vehicle count, and revenue totals are displayed on the DLP Cognos report by registration class and status. The report can be filtered by: Statewide, County, Registration Class, Data Range (DLP application date) and/or Commercial Fleet Indicator.

  • RTS added the DLP indicator to the vendor tapes (weekly and quarterly file). The DLP indicator will identify when a DLP record is linked to a vehicle record.

Please note: For your convenience, the RTS Release Notes 10.1.0 follow-up addendum is attached. For detailed information about the items listed above, additional enhancements and issue resolutions after the release has been deployed, please refer to the TAC Hub (


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division












Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
County RTS Release Notes 10.1.0 follow-up addendum

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