Important Update Regarding IRP and Permitting Requirements for Disaster Recovery – February 18, 2021

The State continues to respond to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s extreme winter weather disaster declaration for all 254 Texas counties. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is now temporarily suspending International Registration Plan (IRP) and 72-hour and 144-hour permitting requirements for vehicles and loads associated with activities necessary to respond to the disaster. A copy of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Declaration and the TxDMV Suspension Notice must be carried in the vehicle, both of which are attached below.

Additionally, President Joseph Biden has approved an emergency declaration for Texas which can be found at This authorizes Texas to issue the federal disaster relief (MAP-21) permit which is now available through the Texas Permitting & Routing Optimization System (TxPROS). Guidance from the Federal Highway Administration on use of this permit is linked below (attached).

TxDMV Suspension Notice

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has temporarily suspended:

  • The IRP vehicle registration requirements under Transportation Code Section 502.091 and Title 43, Section 217.56 of the Texas Administrative Code, to the extent the vehicle is not already registered under the IRP and as long as the vehicle is registered in one of the 48 contiguous states of the United States; and
  • The 72-hour and 144-hour temporary registration permit requirements under Transportation Code Section 502.094 and Title 43, Section 217.40(b)(3) of the Texas Administrative Code, as long as the vehicle is registered in one of the states of the United States.

Examples of disaster assistance include, but are not limited to, vehicles engaged in the transport of relief workers, food, water, clothing, equipment, medical supplies, materials, fuel, shelter, and other supplies to the disaster areas, as well as vehicles used to restore utilities and to remove debris from the disaster areas listed in the disaster declaration. The suspensions do not apply to any requirement not specifically listed in this notice, including safety and insurance requirements. Also, operators are responsible and liable for safely routing their vehicles and obtaining current information concerning hazardous road conditions prior to movement. 

The operator of the commercial vehicle must keep the following documentation in the cab of the vehicle and provide the documentation to any Texas peace officer upon request:

  • a copy of this notice; and
  • a copy of the Governor’s disaster declaration, including any amendments.

These suspensions remain in effect until terminated by the Office of the Governor or until the disaster declaration referenced above expires.



Source: Motor Carriers
Important Update Regarding IRP and Permitting Requirements for Disaster Recovery – February 18, 2021

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