Please review and distribute as appropriate.
The 86th Legislative Session implemented several new specialty license plates. Two of the new specialty license plates, the China Service Medal and the Peace Officer Purple Heart plates, will be implemented with the Registration and Title System (RTS) Release 9.5 scheduled for December.
The following specialty license plate guides, brochures, and applications have been updated to include the new China Service Medal and Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plates:
- Specialty Plate Guide
- Specialty Plates Military Plate Guide
- Specialty Plates Disabled Veteran Plate Guide
- Military License Plates Brochure
- Disabled Veterans License Plates Brochure
- Application for Military Service License Plates (Form VTR-420)
- Application for Disabled Veteran License Plates and/or Parking Placards (Form VTR-615)
The new Application for Peace Officer Purple Heart License Plate (Form VTR-408) is also now available. This application will be used by qualifying current or former peace officers to apply for the Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plate. More information on the Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plate will be in the release notes for RTS Release 9.5.
Additionally, a Public Service Plates Brochure has been created and is now available. This brochure highlights the different specialty plates available for Elected Officials, First Responders, and Emergency Responders.
The guides are available on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Tax Assessor-Collectors Hub webpage at The guides appear in the drop-down menu under Manuals & Guides on the right side of the page. Below is a screenshot showing the location of the guides.

The updated Military License Plates and Disabled Veterans License Plates Brochures are available on the TxDMV Motorists “For Our Troops” webpage at The two brochures appear on the Military License Plates tab. Below is a screenshot showing the location of the brochures.

The new Public Service Plates Brochure is available on the TxDMV Motorists License Plates webpage at The brochure appears on the Specialty License Plates tab.

Thank you,
Jeremiah Kuntz, Director Vehicle Titles and Registration Division Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.