Informational: Systems slowness issues – Update (03/18/2022 3:40 PM)

Good afternoon,

Over the past several weeks, TxDMV IT has observed sporadic instances of RTS system slowness and
performance issues.  Many of you have taken the time to report your observations and, in so doing,
have provided us with valuable details on symptoms observed.  For this reason, we want to update
you on how we are addressing performance issues.

The IT Services Division created a taskforce consisting of members of our Applications Development,
Network, Server, Quality Assurance, Operations, Engineering, and Telecommunications groups.  The
team is analyzing all reported RTS performance issues in order to determine the root cause and
develop a corrective action plan.  While the taskforce has identified several concerns, we have not
found a decisive reason for the performance issues.  However, the taskforce has been able to work on
remediating issues related to reported observations that may contribute to fixing the overall issue.

Therefore, we request that you continue to promptly report systems performance issues.  Due to the
complexity of the RTS infrastructure, including software, hardware, and telecommunication
components, we rely on you as our front line for information, so the taskforce can continue its analysis
of the infrastructure.  Continued data collection is necessary to develop a long-term solution.

Resolving RTS performance issues is a team effort.  No observation is trivial, so please do not hesitate
to report any issues you are experiencing
and continue to log trouble tickets.  Your continued efforts
are critical to assisting the taskforce in successfully resolving an extremely complicated issue.  We will
provide regular updates on the team’s progress. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and impact on you and your customers, and thank you for
your continued assistance! 



Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Informational: Systems slowness issues – Update (03/18/2022 3:40 PM)

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