Initial Notification: RTS Verify Insurance Issue (01/03/2025 @ 3:55 PM)

Good afternoon,

It has been reported that when counties are renewing vehicle registration for customers,
users are
being prompted to manually verify the customer’s insurance.  This is due to an
outage with our vendor, Texas Sure. Texas Sure Support Staff are working to resolve the

Please continue to manually verify the customer’s insurance until this issue has been
resolved. This issue
may also be contributing to system slowness when processing

When customer’s are renewing their vehicle registration online they will be prompted to
manually enter their insurance as well.

An update will be sent when the issue has been resolved.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Verify Insurance Issue (01/03/2025 @ 3:55 PM)

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