New eLearning Platform for Registration and Title System (RTS) Training on the Horizon

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The Vehicle Titles and Registration Division (VTR) is excited to announce the transition to a new eLearning platform called TalentLMS in July 2021.  The current platform, Articulate Online, will be discontinued by the vendor later this year, so VTR is migrating all content and accounts to TalentLMS.  TalentLMS was chosen after extensive research and testing, with the goal to provide a quality product that meets user needs for required training and is mobile friendly.

There will be no changes to the course content or required training.  This change will primarily affect the look and feel of the user experience.  To familiarize stakeholders with the new platform, VTR will create a training module for learners and will also host a webinar for reporting administrators, both of which will be available closer to the July transition date.

The process to request eLearning accounts will not change.  County tax assessor-collectors should continue to submit requests for account additions and deletions using the current eLearning User Account Form. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why are you changing from Articulate Online to TalentLMS?
A. Articulate Online is approaching end-of-life and will no longer be available.

Q. What are the key dates related to this transition?
A. Late June, early July: TalentLMS training module available in Articulate Online, and webinar offered for reporting administrators
July 2:        Communication reminder of upcoming account freeze
July 5-9:     Freeze on eLearning account requests (no account requests will be processed)
July 9:        TalentLMS Go-Live – Counties will receive new TalentLMS login information
July 12:      New accounts added July 12 and later will only have access to TalentLMS
July 30:      Last day for counties to export user training activity from Articulate Online

Q. What if I began training in Articulate, but I am not finished by July 9?
A. You will have until July 30 to complete your training in Articulate and export training activity.  Completed modules should be reported for verification in RTS before July 30.

Q. Will training history from Articulate Online be transferred to TalentLMS?
A. No, we are not able to transfer training histories; however, counties will have until July 30 to export training activity from Articulate Online.

Q. How do I learn how to use TalentLMS as a learner or reporting administrator?
A. Training will be made available prior to the transition.

Additional information will be provided in the coming months.  Thank you for your patience during this transition. 

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
New eLearning Platform for Registration and Title System (RTS) Training on the Horizon

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