October 2023 Motor Vehicle Registration Manual Update

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The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Registration Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System (RTS) workstations and at www.txdmv.gov.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles welcomes your feedback and encourages you to email any comments or suggestions to VTR_Title_Reg-Manual-Update@txdmv.gov (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

Various statutory references were updated throughout the manual as a result of the 88th legislative session.

Chapter 3 – Disabled Persons
Section 3.17, “Offenses,” was updated as a result of Senate Bill (SB) 904 by amending Transportation Code, Section 681.011, to specify a violation cannot be dismissed if the political subdivision has failed to mark the parking space that complies with Texas Law as long as it is in general compliance and has distinguishable markings that it is a designated accessible parking space for people who have disabilities.

Chapter 6 – Exempt License Plates
Section 6.3, “Regular Exempt License Plates,” was updated as a result of HB 3599 by amending Subchapter J, Chapter 502, which adds Section 502.458 to allow certain vehicles used by a “nonprofit food bank” to be exempt from the payment of registration fees under Chapter 502, Transportation Code.

Chapter 8 – Additional and Voluntary Fees
Section 8.5, “Electric Vehicle Fee,” was created as a result of Senate Bill 505 by adding Transportation Code, Section 502.360 which defines “electric vehicle” and requires fully electric cars and trucks with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 lbs. or less to be assessed an annual $200 fee at time of initial registration or renewal. This update also includes the $400 fee for electric vehicles that are issued two years of registration to match a two-year inspection.

Chapter 10 – General Provisions
Section 10.11, “County Tax Assessor-Collector Operations,” was updated as a result of HB 3860 by amending Transportation Code, Chapter 520, Subchapter A, which adds Section 520.0072, to specify a county tax assessor-collector (TAC) may not be held responsible for an offense or damages occurring from the misuse of license plates or other fraudulent activity related to vehicle registration and titling by an individual or business entity that is deputized by the TAC who provides titling services.

Chapter 12 – Off-Highway, Log Loader, Forestry & Miscellaneous
Section 12.10, “Oil Well Servicing and Drilling Machinery,” was updated to remove the reference that the Application for Permit License Plates (Form VTR-67) is no longer submitted to VTR in Austin.

Chapter 17 – Transfer of Registration when Applying for Title
Section 17.6, “Transfer of Used Vehicle,” was updated as a result of HB 3288 to specify the Texas Motor Vehicle Transfer Notification (Form VTR-346) submitted must include the buyer’s full name, address, and telephone number.

Chapter 18 – Specialty and Personalized Plates
Section 18.2, “Personalized License Plates,” was updated due to the approval criteria change in Texas Administrative Code, Rule 217.27 for personalized license plates.

Chapter 20 – Restricted Distribution Specialty License Plates
Section 20.1, “Restricted License Plates Quick Reference,” chart was updated as a result of HB 627 to add that the surviving spouse of the person who was the posthumous recipient of the Star of Texas Award or the Peace Officer Purple Heart award is eligible to obtain the specific awarded license plate.

Section 20.1, “Restricted License Plates Quick Reference,” was also updated to include the following plates as a result of various bills passed during the 88th legislative session: 

  • Antarctica Service Medal license plate 
  • Industrial Firefighters license plate
  • Retired Peace Officer license plate
  • Classroom Teacher
  • Retired Classroom Teacher

Section 20.4, “Star of Texas License Plates,” was updated as a result of HB 627 to add that the surviving spouse of the person who was the posthumous recipient of the Star of Texas Award is eligible to obtain the license plate.

Section 20.5, “Occupational License Plates,” was updated to include the Retired Peace Officer and Antarctica Service Medal license plates.

Section 20.8, “Honorary Consuls,” was removed as TxDMV is no longer issuing the Honorary Consul license plate due to the U.S. Department of State not approving anyone to receive the plate.

Chapter 21 – Miscellaneous Specialty License Plates
Section 21.3, “Nonprofit Disaster Relief Organizations,” was updated as a result of HB 53 by amending Transportation Code, Sections 502.454(a), (b), and (f) to expand the list of authorized uses for a vehicle owned and operated by a nonprofit disaster relief organization and specifies the owner must certify that a vehicle is used exclusively for an authorized use.

Chapter 22 – Inspection Verification
Section 22.7, “Out-of-State Motorists,” was updated as a result of HB 198 to specify travel trailers more than 7,500 lbs. are not required to pass a state safety inspection as of September 1, 2023, but customers must self-certify that the travel trailer is in proper and safe condition. The new Application for Self-Certification of Travel Trailer More Than 7,500 lbs. (Form VTR-269) was created for this purpose to meet statutory guidelines.

Section 22.11, “Additional Inspection Information,” was updated as a result of HB 198 to specify that the owner must self-certify that the travel trailer is in proper and safe condition and removes the requirement that a travel trailer must require an inspection.

Thank you,


Annette Quintero, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Motorist Services
October 2023 Motor Vehicle Registration Manual Update

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