Registration Renewals for Antiques

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

This notice is to inform you registration renewals for Antique license plates expiring March 31 were mailed later than usual. The printing and mailing delay of the renewal notices was caused by a technical issue related to the Registration and Title System (RTS) Release 9.0.0 that went into effect in January. RTS Release 9.0.0 allowed for the staggering of certain license plates, including the Antique plates, which up until this year have expired in March every five years. Antique plates will continue to be valid for 60 months, but they will be staggered based on the month of application and manufactured on demand.

As a reminder, there has been no change to the renewal process for those customers who have been approved to display a license plate that is the same model year as their qualifying vehicle (i.e., do not create a special plate record in the RTS for vehicles with an old plate).

If you need additional information, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Registration Renewals for Antiques

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