RTB 002-21 Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #002-21 provides guidance on the transfer of certain property from a self-service storage facility to a licensed vehicle storage facility for disposition as a result of Senate Bill 1181, enacted by the 87th Legislature. 

To support this change, revisions were made to the Self-Service Storage Facility Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-SSF) and Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-VSF), as well as to the Self-Service Storage Facility Lien Procedures and Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility Lien Procedures flow charts.  RTB #002-21, revised forms, and flow charts are attached.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTB 002-21 Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition

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