Security Alert: SCAM NOTIFICATION: Suspicious e-Mails Sent to webDEALER Users (07/16/2021 3:21PM)


Good afternoon,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has become aware that some webDEALER users have received emails claiming to come from TxDMV. The emails are not from TxDMV. They are sent by cybercriminals attempting to gain access to your private information or to deliver harmful files to your computer. Do not click any links provided in a suspicious email.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles will never reach out directly via email requesting any personal information or requiring you to sign into TxDMV systems to verify your account.

If you receive a suspicious email:

    • Never open attachments or click on any links from unknown senders
    • Hover over the link with your mouse to see if the link points to a legitimate address
    • Never enter your sensitive information in an untrusted site or pop up window
    • Do not reply

If you entered your username and password when following one of these links, change your password immediately
If an email appearing to come from TxDMV seems out of the ordinary, please use good judgment.

Contact TxDMV directly if any email seems suspicious.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Security Alert: SCAM NOTIFICATION: Suspicious e-Mails Sent to webDEALER Users (07/16/2021 3:21PM)

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