Specialty License Plate Guides

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Three new specialty license plate guides are now available to assist you with customer plate orders.

Each guide provides illustrations of non-vendor specialty plates, including Military and Disabled Veteran plate options, along with each plate’s name as displayed in the Registration and Title System (RTS), and weblinks to the applicable order form. The guides will assist you in locating the correct plate in RTS and facilitate processing an order.

The first guide — titled “Specialty Plate Guide” – contains specialty plates issued by the state, except for military and Disabled Veteran specialty plates. The guide includes collegiate plates, qualifying plates, Go Texan plates, and specialty plates for general distribution.

The second guide — titled “Specialty Plates Military Plate Guide” – contains all military specialty plates, including those issued for military service, military recognition, and military meritorious service.

The third guide — titled “Specialty Plates Disabled Veteran Plate Guide” – contains all Disabled Veteran specialty plates and the Surviving Spouse of a Disabled Veteran specialty plate.

The guides are available on the Tax Assessor-Collectors webpage of www.TxDMV.gov, which is accessible via the Registration and Title System. For questions regarding the guides or to provide feedback, please contact your nearest TxDMV Regional Service Center.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Specialty License Plate Guides

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