Texas.gov Message to County Tax Assessor-Collectors

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you may be aware, the Texas.gov payment provider (NIC) transitioned the payment processor to First Data over the past several months. TxDMV, DIR and NIC greatly appreciate your cooperation to make the transition a success. Effective May 2, 2019, all counties were migrated to the First Data processor and NIC is actively trying to provide First Data portal credentials to a designated county staff member. The First Data portal will allow the counties to access chargeback documentation via an online tool in lieu of paper processing.

Due to the sensitivity of providing these credentials, NIC sent a survey on March 29, 2019, to obtain the contact information for your county. The survey was sent from TXpaymentupdate@egov.com and credentials are being emailed from MerchantServices@BusinessTrack.com. If you have experienced any issue with the email being received, please contact the Texas.gov Help Desk for assistance, at the number listed below. The Help Desk will be able to start the resolution process to allow your county to receive your credentials.

We’ve been working with DIR and NIC to address issues you have brought to our attention. Below is an update provided by DIR:

  • The First Data batch cutoff time of 3:00 a.m. means that funds are arriving one day later than they used to. As a result, reports will be for Day 3 instead of Day 2.
  • We understand that some banks are showing funds as “pending.” This is based on the way county funds are handled by some banking institutions when funds are expected but have not yet been received.
  • Please remember the First Data training provided by Texas NIC to counties is available on the TxDMV website on the TAC Hub under the Webinars & Presentations tab. You can access the presentation directly at https://www.txdmv.gov/reports-and-data/doc_download/8649-texas-gov-payment-processor-transition.

Additionally, DIR is working with the Texas.gov Help Desk to better equip their staff to address your questions. Please continue to send your questions to the Texas.gov Help desk at 1-877-452-9060 or support@texasgovhelpdesk.com.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Texas.gov Message to County Tax Assessor-Collectors

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