Update Notification: Issue: RTS Slow Response Times (11/15/2018 @ 03:37 PM Central Time)

Good afternoon,

An issue has been reported with the RTS system where some users are experiencing slow response times.  Support staff have identified the issue that will require a reboot after hours. If you were unable to close out your workstation tonight, Thursday, November 15, 2018 please contact TxDMV @ 512-465-3351.

The statewide ticket for this issue is: 203268.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Department of Motor Vehicles
TxDMV IT Services Division
3800 Jackson Ave
Austin, TX 78731
(512) 465-5870




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update Notification: Issue: RTS Slow Response Times (11/15/2018 @ 03:37 PM Central Time)

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