Waiver of Texas Vehicle Title and Registration Requirements

Texas DMV


Temporary Waiver of Vehicle Title and Registration Requirements
Remains in Effect

(AUSTIN, Texas – July 3, 2020) Texans still get a break from certain vehicle title and registration requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The temporary waiver announced by Governor Greg Abbott on March 16, 2020, remains in effect.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will provide a notification when normal services resume, allowing the public 60 days from then to conduct any overdue title and registration transactions.

The waiver covers the following services:

  • Initial vehicle registration.
  • Vehicle registration renewal.
  • Vehicle titling.
  • Renewal of permanent disabled parking placards.
  • 30-day temporary permits.

Texans with overdue transactions are encouraged to renew their registration online at www.TxDMV.gov and www.Texas.gov, or by mail. 

Most in-person vehicle title and registration services are handled by county tax offices. For the status of county tax offices, Texans should visit www.TxDMV.gov/covid-19 or contact their county tax office directly.

The following transactions are available in-person by appointment only at TxDMV regional service centers:

  • Replacement titles.
  • Bonded title notices of determination.
  • Title histories.
  • Temporary permits.
  • Assigned/reassigned numbers.
  • Registration refund authorizations.
  • Investigation and resolution of Texas title errors.

To schedule a same-day or next-day appointment, visit www.TxDMV.gov/appointment.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles does not issue driver licenses or state ID cards. Texans should contact the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for these services.

Media Contact:            Customer Contact:                          
Media@TxDMV.gov     AskDMV@TxDMV.gov
(512) 465-1484              1-888-368-4689

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles registers and titles motor vehicles, licenses motor vehicle dealers, credentials motor carriers, issues oversize/overweight permits, investigates complaints against dealers and motor carriers, and awards grants to law enforcement agencies to reduce vehicle burglaries and thefts. Learn more at www.TxDMV.gov.

Source: News and Information
Waiver of Texas Vehicle Title and Registration Requirements

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