Informal Working Drafts and Request for Informal Comments on Rules Relating to Fitness for Salvage Vehicle Dealer and Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses

Informal Working Drafts and Request for Informal Comments on Rules Relating to Fitness for Salvage Vehicle Dealer and Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has prepared informal working drafts of amendments to salvage vehicle dealer and motor vehicle dealer rules relating to the fitness of a license applicant or current license holder.

This informal posting of the drafts is intended to gather comments prior to any formal publication of proposed rules in the Texas Register.  The drafts, and the instructions on how to provide comments about them, can be read at   The informal comment period is open until July 10.

Submit your comments to the Office of General Counsel, at

For more information, please contact the Office of General Counsel at 512-465-5665.




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Informal Working Drafts and Request for Informal Comments on Rules Relating to Fitness for Salvage Vehicle Dealer and Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses

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