Mover Training Seminar – San Antonio, Texas

Attention all Household Goods Motor Carriers:

We are pleased to announce our next Mover Training Seminar on November 8th, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas.  This presentation will be a basic overview of the rules and regulations pertaining to the household goods motor carrier industry.

Representatives from our Enforcement and Motor Carrier divisions will provide valuable information on mover operations.  This information is beneficial for any parties interested in becoming a new household goods motor carrier (mover) as well as a good refresher for all licensed movers in keeping up to date on any rule updates within the industry.

We are excited to have you join us, to learn and discuss issues that concern you and your business.

Thank you;

Luis Perez, Assistant Chief Investigator

Enforcement Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




Source: Motor Carriers
Mover Training Seminar – San Antonio, Texas

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