RESOLVED: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/22/2023 @ 11:20 AM)

Good morning,

Following the release of RTS 23.3 over this past weekend, Inventory
could not be re-issued after voiding of general issue inventory.

This issue has now been resolved.

Inventory can now be re-issued after voiding general inventory.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or
your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RESOLVED: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/22/2023 @ 11:20 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on RESOLVED: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/22/2023 @ 11:20 AM)

Completed: webDEALER System Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 11:00 PM)

Good evening,

The webDEALER system maintenance was completed as of 11:00 PM this evening, Monday, 06/19/2023.

Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into
webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation
of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet
Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: webDEALER System Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 11:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Completed: webDEALER System Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 11:00 PM)

Initial Notification: webDealer Scheduled Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 04:15 PM)

Good afternoon,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will be implementing scheduled
maintenance for the webDealer System starting at 10:00 PM this evening, Monday
(06/19/2023), lasting up to 11:00 PM. During the deployment window, you may 
experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the webDealer system. 

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet
Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that
after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDealer
as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of
unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one
year from the date they are printed.

Note: A notification update will be published once the webDealer maintenance is 

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: webDealer Scheduled Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 04:15 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: webDealer Scheduled Maintenance (06/19/2023 @ 04:15 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/19/2023 @ 2:50 PM)

Good afternoon,

Following the release of RTS 23.3 over the weekend, Support Staff are
aware of the following issue:


Inventory cannot be re-issued after voiding of general issue inventory.


Please set aside the plate for now, and do not use it until this issue has
been reported as resolved.

An update will be provided once the issue has been resolved.


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/19/2023 @ 2:50 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS POS General Inventory Issue (06/19/2023 @ 2:50 PM)

Completed: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of the eLicensing system updates was completed as of 5:46 AM
this morning, Sunday, 06/18/2023.


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division

Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Completed: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Completed: webDEALER Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of the webDEALER system updates was completed as of 5:46 AM this morning, Sunday, 06/18/2023.

Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed. 

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division

Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: webDEALER Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Completed: webDEALER Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Completed: RTS Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of the Registration and Titling System (RTS) system updates was completed
as of 5:46 AM this morning, Sunday, 06/18/2023.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division

Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Completed: RTS Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Completed: RTS Release 23.3 (06/18/2023 @ 5:46 AM)

webDealer 23.3 Addendum – UPDATED (06/16/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

Over the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
(TxDMV) will update the webDealer System with Release 23.3 which contains the
content summarized below. 

Please kindly ignore the previous webDealer Addendum bulletin which was sent
earlier this afternoon.  This follow-up bulletin contains the UPDATED webDealer
Addendum attachment (below) and the UPDATED Enhancements summary as



•  Ability for County to Designate when a Dealer Deputy can Print Registration Sticker Receipts

•  Ability for County to Authorize a Dealer Deputy to issue Standard Exempt License Plates

•  Allow Dealer to Locate DMV Rejected Transactions


Please note: For your convenience, the webDealer 23.3 UPDATED Addendum is attached.
For detailed information about the items listed above, please refer to the Addendum.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
webDealer 23.3 Addendum – UPDATED (06/16/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on webDealer 23.3 Addendum – UPDATED (06/16/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

webDealer 23.3 Addendum (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

Good afternoon,

Over the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
(TxDMV) will update the webDealer System with Release 23.3 which contains the
content summarized below. 



•  Ability for county to designate dealer to print receipt with sticker for a title
    application or only upon Approval

•  Auction Bypass Inspection Buyer Tag Report

•  View Documents pop-up Review and Return Screen

•  Ability for County to authorize Dealer Deputy to issue “Exempt” Title and Plates

•  Enable handling of Corrected Title Rejected Transactions

•  Add Batch ID Link on Title Preview in webSALVAGE


Please note: For your convenience, the webDealer 23.3 Addendum is attached.
For detailed information about the items listed above, please refer to the Addendum.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
webDealer 23.3 Addendum (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on webDealer 23.3 Addendum (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

County RTS Release Notes 23.3 (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

Good afternoon,

Over the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS) with Release 23.3 which contains the
content summarized below. 



•  Discontinue SLPs – Univ. of Missouri and Georgia Tech

•  County Renewals Report P446918 added TRENEW and update totals

•  Texas Realtor Non-Vendor SLP

•  Austin FC – Vendor SLP

•  Update NMVTIS Brand Mapping

•  County Tax Office ability to process Title Rejection Requests (RTS-POS)

•  Prevent Issuance of Duplicate Plate (webDEALER, webSUB, RTS)

•  Only apply “JUNKED ON” remark for Junk Codes 3,9,4, 5, or 7

•  Automatically mark VIN errors as Rejected and provide report to Counties

Please note: For your convenience, RTS Release Notes 23.3 are attached. For detailed information
about the items listed above, additional enhancements and issue resolutions after the release has
been deployed, please refer to the TAC Hub (

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
County RTS Release Notes 23.3 (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on County RTS Release Notes 23.3 (06/16/2023 @ 3:15 PM)

eVIEW for Texas Rangers ( Crossover ) Specialty License Plate

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is previewing one crossover plate, Texas Rangers.

Please visit the following link to provide your comments no later than Monday, June 26, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

The department will review and consider all input received.

Thank you,

Annette Quintero, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



Source: Motorist Services
eVIEW for Texas Rangers ( Crossover ) Specialty License Plate

Posted in Motorist Services | Comments Off on eVIEW for Texas Rangers ( Crossover ) Specialty License Plate

RESOLVED: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS connectivity issues have now been resolved.  RTS users can log in successfully.

Gentle reminder on addressing transaction processing issues / recommended procedures
should you experience similar issues in the future

Scenario #1: You have completed the transaction but can’t print the transaction receipt.

        ○  Attempt to re-print the receipt
        ○  If unable to re-print, void the transaction and re-process the transaction
                    •  You will need to run a transaction reconciliation report to obtain the trans ID#,
                        in order to void, should you not have the trans ID# already

Scenario #2: You did not complete the transaction, and when you try to complete it,
                       the system tells you that the transaction is still i

       ○  Access the pending transaction from your set asides
       ○  This should allow you to access the transaction to complete processing

Scenario #3: You did not complete the transaction, and it’s not in set aside.

       ○  Run the transaction reconciliation report to verify those transactions
            which are not completed
       ○  Redo transaction if the transaction was not completed.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RESOLVED: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on RESOLVED: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 4:00 PM)

Reminder Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will 
update the eLicensing System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting up to
10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023).  During the deployment window, you may experience 
intermittent connectivity when accessing the eLicensing system. 

Note: A notification update will be published after the eLicensing deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Reminder Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Reminder Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
will update the webDealer System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting 
up to 10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023).  During the deployment window, you may
experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the webDealer system. 

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet
Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that
after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDealer
as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of
unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one
year from the date they are printed.

Note: A notification update will be published once the webDealer deployment is 

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Reminder Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Reminder Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS) and associated applications.  During
the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing
the following RTS applications:

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023):

  • webDealer
  • eLicensing

Note: A notification update will be published after the RTS deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Reminder Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Reminder Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Update Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 2:35 PM)

Good afternoon,

TxDMV is aware of reported RTS connectivity issues and that some RTS users cannot log in.

Support staff has implemented a series of “unlocks” to address the RTS user log in issues.

If you are a RTS user that did not experience a login issue and/or did not experience any
lock out on your account, we still ask that you kindly log out of RTS, then log in again in order
to synchronize with RTS “unlock” commands so as to reestablish assured connectivity.

Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  We will provide an update once the issue is resolved.

06/14/2023 @ 2:35PM  – Update on handling transactions

Scenario #1: You have completed the transaction but can’t print the transaction receipt.

        ○  Attempt to re-print the receipt
        ○  If unable to re-print, void the transaction and re-process the transaction
                    •  You will need to run a transaction reconciliation report to obtain the trans ID#,
                        in order to void, should you not have the trans ID# already

Scenario #2: You did not complete the transaction, and when you try to complete it,
                       the system tells you that the transaction is still i

       ○  Access the pending transaction from your set asides
       ○  This should allow you to access the transaction to complete processing

Scenario #3: You did not complete the transaction, and it’s not in set aside.

       ○  Run the transaction reconciliation report to verify those transactions
            which are not completed
       ○  Redo transaction if the transaction was not completed.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 2:35 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Update Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues and transactions (06/14/2023 @ 2:35 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues (06/14/2023 @ 12:40 PM)

Good afternoon,

TxDMV is aware of reported RTS connectivity issues and that some RTS users cannot log in.

Support staff has implemented a series of “unlocks” to address the RTS user log in issues.

If you are a RTS user that did not experience a login issue and/or did not experience any
lock out on your account, we still ask that you kindly log out of RTS, then log in again in order
to synchronize with RTS “unlock” commands so as to reestablish assured connectivity.

Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  We will provide an update once the issue is resolved.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues (06/14/2023 @ 12:40 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS Connectivity Issues (06/14/2023 @ 12:40 PM)

Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available

Good Afternoon,

 A current list of active GDN and salvage dealer licensees is available on the TxDMV website here. The information provided in this license lookup is updated daily and should be considered the most current information available. A search can be conducted by Business Name, Assumed Name/DBA, License Number, City, and/or County. A complete spreadsheet of active dealers is also available for download if the search does not return the desired results.

The current status of a license was recently added to the available fields shown on the search results page and can be used as primary verification of a GDN or Salvage dealer license. Please see below for a breakdown of what each license status means:

  • Active – The license is currently active with an expiration date listed in the future. The license is in full force and effect.
  • APA Expired – The license is considered active but has an expiration date listed in the past. This status means that a renewal application was received prior to the license expiration date and is currently being reviewed by TxDMV staff. If a license is in APA Expired status, this should be considered an active license for all business needs. A status of APA Expired means that the renewal has not yet been approved or denied. Licenses in APA Expired status remain in full force and effect until a final determination is made by TxDMV staff on the renewal application. Metal license plates will also remain in full force and effect under this license status.



Source: Salvage Dealers
Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available

Posted in Salvage Dealers | Comments Off on Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available

Processing Update and Application Status Guide for TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses

TxDMV is currently experiencing increased processing times for all dealer license applications, including renewals. Please direct third parties to the license verification page on the TxDMV’s website here to verify your license status. In addition, please submit your renewal applications as early as possible to allow time for the current processing delay. Renewals can be submitted as early as 90 days prior to the license expiration date.

Once an application is submitted, there are a variety of internal reviews and processes that the application will undergo. The current status of an application can be viewed here. The full 9-digit application number, including any leading zeros, must be entered for a result to be viewed. Please see below for a breakdown of the most common Application Status Codes you may see when verifying the status of an application:

  • Assigned – Your application has been assigned to a Licensing Specialist. A deficiency letter will be sent to you within one week. No action is required from you at this time.
  • Deficiency – Your application requires additional documentation to be submitted to your assigned Licensing Specialist in order to continue the licensing process. Please refer to the deficiency notice sent to your application contact e-mail.  If you have uploaded the requested documentation please allow 10 business days for review by your assigned specialist.
  • Fingerprinting – Your application is being reviewed by the Identity Background team. The ownership of the account will be analyzed during this stage and an email will be sent if fingerprints are required. Do not get fingerprinted unless you receive an instructional email from the TxDMV.
  • Pending – Your application has not yet been received. Additional action is required from you to submit the application to the TxDMV for processing and review. You will receive a confirmation email from eLICENSING when MVD has received your application.
  • Pre-Screening – Your application completed an initial review and is lacking basic documentation. An email will be sent with additional information on what is needed.
  • Ready to Assign – Your application has completed the Screening stage and is waiting in the queue to be assigned to the next available Licensing Specialist. No action is required from you at this time.
  • Received – Your application was received but has not yet been reviewed. No action is required from you at this time.
  • Screening – Your application is being reviewed by a Quality Assurance Specialist to determine any potential licensing concerns related to identity, disciplinary history, or fraud. No action is required from you at this time.
  • Under Review – Your application is being reviewed by your assigned licensing specialist or the licensing management team. No action is required from you at this time.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Processing Update and Application Status Guide for TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Processing Update and Application Status Guide for TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses

Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good morning,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will 
update the eLicensing System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting up to
10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023).  During the deployment window, you may experience 
intermittent connectivity when accessing the eLicensing system. 

Note: A notification update will be published after the eLicensing deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Initial Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good morning,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
will update the webDealer System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting 
up to 10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023).  During the deployment window, you may
experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the webDealer system. 

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet
Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that
after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDealer
as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of
unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one
year from the date they are printed.

Note: A notification update will be published once the webDealer deployment is 

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: webDealer Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Good morning,

On the weekend of June 17, 2023, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV)
will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS) and associated applications.  During
the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing
the following RTS applications:

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (06/17/2023), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (06/18/2023):

  • webDealer
  • eLicensing

Note: A notification update will be published after the RTS deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS Release 23.3 (06/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM)

Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available (06/08/2023 @ 11:19 AM)

Source: Salvage Dealers
Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available (06/08/2023 @ 11:19 AM)

Posted in Salvage Dealers | Comments Off on Online Verification of TxDMV GDN and Salvage Dealer Licenses Available (06/08/2023 @ 11:19 AM)

TxDMV Board Meeting – June 8, 2023

Texas DMV

TxDMV Board Meeting
Thursday, June 8, 2023 – 9:00 a.m.

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
4000 Jackson Avenue, Building 1, Lone Star Room
Austin, Texas 78731

Link to Meeting Agenda

TxDMV Board, committee, and advisory committee meetings are open to the public. Visit the TxDMV Board page for meeting agendas, materials, public comment registration form, and transcripts here:

If you would like to comment on an agenda item, you must complete a speaker’s form at the registration table prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board or send an email to to register by providing the required information prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:

  1. a completed Public Comment Registration Form; or
  2. the following information:
    • the agenda item you wish to comment on;
    • your name;
    • your address (optional), including your city, state, and zip code; and
    • who you are representing.

Public comment will only be accepted in person. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes, and time allotted to one speaker may not be reassigned to another speaker.

Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Board Meeting – June 8, 2023

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on TxDMV Board Meeting – June 8, 2023

TxDMV Projects and Operations Committee Meeting – June 7, 2023

Texas DMV

TxDMV Projects and Operations Committee Meeting
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 – 2:00 p.m.

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
4000 Jackson Avenue, Building 1, Lone Star Room
Austin, Texas 78731

Link to Meeting Agenda

TxDMV Board, committee, and advisory committee meetings are open to the public. Visit the TxDMV Board page for meeting agendas, materials, public comment registration form, and transcripts here:

If you would like to comment on an agenda item, you must complete a speaker’s form at the registration table prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board or send an email to to register by providing the required information prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:

  1. a completed Public Comment Registration Form; or
  2. the following information:
    • the agenda item you wish to comment on;
    • your name;
    • your address (optional), including your city, state, and zip code; and
    • who you are representing.

Public comment will only be accepted in person. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes, and time allotted to one speaker may not be reassigned to another speaker.

Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Projects and Operations Committee Meeting – June 7, 2023

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on TxDMV Projects and Operations Committee Meeting – June 7, 2023