TxDMV publishes rule adoptions in the December 20, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has adopted amendments to §215.83 and §221.17 to allow military spouses with out-of-state licenses to engage in business in Texas. The effective dates of the rules are December 29, 2019. The adopted language is available on TxDMV’s website at https://www.txdmv.gov/general-counsel/proposed-and-adopted-rules.




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes rule adoptions in the December 20, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

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January 2020 Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System workstations and at www.txdmv.gov.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to VTR_Title_Reg-Manual-Update@txdmv.gov (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

Chapter 1 – General
Section 1.1, “Definitions,” was updated to remove the Salvage Vehicle Agent section as a result of Senate Bill (SB) 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature. SB 604 repealed Occupations Code, Section 2302.107, regarding a Salvage Vehicle Agent License. The manual was updated throughout to remove all references to a salvage vehicle agent and license, which includes removing Section 5.4, “Salvage Vehicle Agent License,” in Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 – Salvage Dealers
Section 5.1, “Salvage Vehicle Dealer License,” was updated to include additional acts that a salvage vehicle dealer may perform when issued a salvage vehicle dealer license, as a result of SB 604 and changes to Occupations Code, Chapter 2302.

Additionally, this section and references throughout the manual were updated to specify a salvage vehicle dealer may only sell salvage or nonrepairable motor vehicles that have been issued a salvage or nonrepairable vehicle title, as detailed in Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #008-19.

Chapter 9 – Forms, References, and Q&As
Section 9.5, “Questions and Answers,” was updated to include the above referenced changes for salvage vehicle dealers and the changes detailed in RTB #008-19.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Motorist Services
January 2020 Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual Update

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January 2020 Motor Vehicle Title Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Title Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System (RTS) workstations and at www.txdmv.gov.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to VTR_Title_Reg-Manual-Update@txdmv.gov (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

Chapter 15 – Vehicles Exempt from Disclosure
Section 15.2, “Vehicles Exempt from Disclosure,” and Section 15.4, “Odometer Title Brand,” were updated to specify vehicles with an odometer brand of MILEAGE EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS or NOT ACTUAL MILEAGE will retain the brand on the motor vehicle record even once the vehicle becomes exempt from odometer disclosure due to programming changes with RTS Release 9.5.

Chapter 25 – Motor Vehicle Dealers
Section 25.8, “Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Issuance Validations,” was added to provide information on how to process title transactions when the dealer license number or issuance of a buyer tag is not validated in RTS due to programming changes with RTS Release 9.5 and as detailed in Registration and Title Bulletin #011-19.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Motorist Services
January 2020 Motor Vehicle Title Manual Update

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January 2020 Registration Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Registration Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System (RTS) workstations and at www.txdmv.gov.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to
VTR_Title_Reg-Manual-Update@txdmv.gov (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

The majority of the manual revisions include changes from the 86th Legislative Session. The following are brief summaries of the chapters updated in the January 2020 revision.

Chapter 3 – Disabled Persons
Section 3.8, “Plates and Placards,” was updated as a result of House Bill (HB) 3163, to specify that the Persons with Disabilities License Plates and Placards (Form VTR-429) brochure must be given to customers when issuing a Disabled Parking Placard and Disabled Person license plates, as detailed in Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #006-19.

Chapter 9 – Registration Fees
Section 9.3, “Trailer or Semitrailer Fees,” was updated to add a new subsection regarding extended trailer registration as a result of HB 1262 and detailed in RTB #009-19.

Chapter 18 – Specialty and Personalized Plates
Section 18.2, “Personalized License Plates,” was updated to specify that a Dealer Personalized License Plate replacement can be requested through each local county tax office. The proper way to collect fees in the Registration and Title System for Dealer Personalized License Plates was also updated.

Chapter 19 – Military Specialty License Plates
Section 19.2, “General Application Procedures,” was updated as a result of HB 3163, to specify the Persons with Disabilities License Plates and Placards (Form VTR-429) brochure must be given to customers when issuing Disabled Veteran specialty license plates, as detailed in RTB #006-16.

Chapter 20 – Restricted Distributions Specialty License Plates
Section 20.5, “Occupational License Plates,” was updated as a result of HB 3343 to add the Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
January 2020 Registration Manual Update

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Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar – San Antonio

Motor Vehicle Dealers and Industry:

We are pleased to announce our Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar on January 23rd, 2020 in San Antonio, Texas.  This presentation will be a broad overview of the rules and regulations surrounding the motor vehicle dealer industry.

Representatives from our Enforcement and Vehicle Title and Registration divisions will provide valuable information on dealer operations and titling requirements.  We will also have a representative from the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner who will provide instruction on financing options for dealers. This information is beneficial for any parties interested in becoming a dealer as well as the seasoned independent and franchise dealers seeking new information affecting the regulations associated with the motor vehicle dealer industry.

We are excited to have you join us to learn and discuss issues that concern you and your business.

Thank you;

Stacey Cullen, Staff Services Officer

Enforcement Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles





Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar – San Antonio

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Salvage Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar – San Antonio

Salvage Motor Vehicle Dealers and Industry:

We are pleased to announce our Salvage Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar on January 22nd, 2020, in San Antonio, Texas.  This presentation will be a specific overview of the rules and regulations surrounding the salvage motor vehicle dealer industry.

The information provided will be specific to the individual operating as a salvage dealer and the related policies and procedures used by our agency.

David George, Chief Investigator for the Enforcement Division, will provide valuable information on salvage dealer operations and requirements.

We are excited to have you join us to learn and discuss issues that concern you and your business.

Thank you;

Stacey Cullen, Staff Services Officer

Enforcement Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles





Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Salvage Motor Vehicle Dealer Training Seminar – San Antonio

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2020 Calendar and AM Dates

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Attached are two files providing both a calendar and a table listing format of the Gregorian and Application Manager (AM) dates for calendar year 2020.

The AM date is part of the transaction identification number that prints on receipts and certain reports. This information is helpful when reviewing reports that list transactions only by their AM dates and not Gregorian Dates. The following example denotes the position of the AM date:

Transaction number: 01534943859163051

The underlined and bolded five-digit number is the AM date. It occupies the position of digits 7 through 11 in a transaction number. The number can be found on the Gregorian calendar under the day of the particular month. For example, the number 43859 is listed under “January” and under “31.” Therefore, the Gregorian date for this transaction would be January 31, 2020.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Motorist Services
2020 Calendar and AM Dates

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Information Regarding Specialty License Plate Guides, Brochures, and Applications

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The 86th Legislative Session implemented several new specialty license plates. Two of the new specialty license plates, the China Service Medal and the Peace Officer Purple Heart plates, will be implemented with the Registration and Title System (RTS) Release 9.5 scheduled for December.

The following specialty license plate guides, brochures, and applications have been updated to include the new China Service Medal and Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plates:

  • Specialty Plate Guide
  • Specialty Plates Military Plate Guide
  • Specialty Plates Disabled Veteran Plate Guide
  • Military License Plates Brochure
  • Disabled Veterans License Plates Brochure
  • Application for Military Service License Plates (Form VTR-420)
  • Application for Disabled Veteran License Plates and/or Parking Placards (Form VTR-615)

The new Application for Peace Officer Purple Heart License Plate (Form VTR-408) is also now available. This application will be used by qualifying current or former peace officers to apply for the Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plate. More information on the Peace Officer Purple Heart specialty license plate will be in the release notes for RTS Release 9.5.

Additionally, a Public Service Plates Brochure has been created and is now available. This brochure highlights the different specialty plates available for Elected Officials, First Responders, and Emergency Responders.

The guides are available on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Tax Assessor-Collectors Hub webpage at https://www.txdmv.gov/tax-assessor-collectors. The guides appear in the drop-down menu under Manuals & Guides on the right side of the page. Below is a screenshot showing the location of the guides.

pic 1

The updated Military License Plates and Disabled Veterans License Plates Brochures are available on the TxDMV Motorists “For Our Troops” webpage at https://www.txdmv.gov/motorists/for-our-troops. The two brochures appear on the Military License Plates tab. Below is a screenshot showing the location of the brochures.

pic 2

pic 3

The new Public Service Plates Brochure is available on the TxDMV Motorists License Plates webpage at https://www.txdmv.gov/motorists/license-plates. The brochure appears on the Specialty License Plates tab.

pic 4

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Information Regarding Specialty License Plate Guides, Brochures, and Applications

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – New Year's Day 2020

Texas DMV

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will be closed on New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020. Have a safe and happy new year!

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at www.TxDMV.gov.

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at www.TxDMV.gov.

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – New Year's Day 2020

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Update: RTS Windows 10 Migration

The RTS Windows 10 Migration will be postponed through the holidays until January 3, 2020. Texas Department of Motor Vehicles staff will be reaching out to those counties originally scheduled during this time to coordinate a new migration date.

Please contact Schon Connaker, the Windows 10 Project Manager, at 512-465-1447 if you have any questions.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update: RTS Windows 10 Migration

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TxDMV publishes a rule proposal in the December 20, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has proposed rules in the December 20, 2019, issue of the Texas Register. The proposal addresses inspection, titling, and registration, of assembled vehicles. The proposed language is available on TxDMV’s website at https://www.txdmv.gov/general-counsel/proposed-and-adopted-rules.

The proposal is posted for public comment until 5:00 p.m. on January 21, 2020. 



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes a rule proposal in the December 20, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Christmas/New Year's Day

Texas DMV

Need to take care of business with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) around the holidays? Please be aware of the following schedules: 

Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019: All TxDMV offices will be closed.
Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2019 All TxDMV offices will be closed.
Thursday, Dec. 26. 2019: All TxDMV offices will be closed.
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020: All TxDMV offices will be closed.

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at www.TxDMV.gov.

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at www.TxDMV.gov. 

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Christmas/New Year's Day

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RTS Release Notes 9.5.0

Good morning,

Over the weekend of December 14, 2019, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) updated the Registration and Title System (RTS) with Release 9.5.0 that contains the content summarized below. 

Legislative Changes

The following are the changes in RTS 9.5.0 mandated by the 86th Legislative Session:

  • SB604 – RTS and eLearning Management System
  • Waving Title Application and Permit Fees Due to Dealer Closure
  • Extended Registration Period Allowed for Trailers
  • Issuance of Off-Highway Vehicle and Golf Cart License Plates
  • Specialty License Plates 


Non-Legislative Changes

The following are non-legislative RTS improvements:

  • Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Validation – Status Change
  • Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Validation – Title Application
  • Odometer Brand Retention 

Please note: For your convenience RTS Release Notes 9.5.0 are attached. For detailed information about the items listed above, additional enhancements and issue resolutions after the release has been deployed, please refer to the TAC Hub (www.txdmv.gov/tax-assessor-collectors).

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTS Release Notes 9.5.0

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Update Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019) 4pm Update

Update: Changes to resolve the identified issues will be deployed at 11pm this evening.  The deployment will impact RTS and associated systems between 11pm and midnight.  During this time-frame, users will experience intermittent outages. For users that were experiencing issues today, please try again tomorrow and contact us if you are still experiencing issues.  Tickets associated with the statewide ticket will be closed.


Good morning,

An issue has been identified with the RTS system with processing transactions on a vehicle with expired registration.  Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 10:30 am. today (12/16/2019) or as new information becomes available.


A statewide ticket has been submitted for this issue: IN231407


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 877-933-2020. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


Department of Motor Vehicles

4000 Jackson Ave

Austin, TX 78731


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019) 4pm Update

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Initial Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019) 10:30am Update

Update: The issue has been identified and a resolution will be implemented sometime today.  An update will be sent to notify users when the system will be unavailable prior the change being implemented.



Good morning,

An issue has been identified with the RTS system with processing transactions on a vehicle with expired registration.  Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 10:30 am. today (12/16/2019) or as new information becomes available.


A statewide ticket has been submitted for this issue: IN231407


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


Department of Motor Vehicles

4000 Jackson Ave

Austin, TX 78731


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019) 10:30am Update

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Basic Facts for Persons with Disabilities Brochure

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #006-19, dated August 22, 2019, provided information related to the application for Disabled Person license plates and Disabled Parking Placards. The RTB included information about House Bill 3163, which requires the department to provide information on laws governing parking for persons with disabilities and instructions for reporting alleged violations. The required informational brochure was not finalized when RTB #006-19 was distributed.

The informational brochure, Persons with Disabilities License Plates and Placards (VTR-429), is finalized and an initial supply should be distributed to county tax assessor-collector offices beginning late December 2019. The brochure must be given to customers when issuing a Disabled Placard or Disabled Person or Disabled Veteran license plates.

Thank you,
Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Basic Facts for Persons with Disabilities Brochure

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Initial Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019)

Good morning,

An issue has been identified with the RTS system with processing transactions on a vehicle with expired registration.  Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 10:30 am. today (12/16/2019) or as new information becomes available.


A statewide ticket has been submitted for this issue: IN231407


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


Department of Motor Vehicles

4000 Jackson Ave

Austin, TX 78731


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue identified (12/16/2019)

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Completed: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release 9.5.0 (12/15/2019 @ 11:45 AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing updates were completed as of 11:45 AM this morning, 12/15/2019.

Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.


Thank you, 

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release 9.5.0 (12/15/2019 @ 11:45 AM)

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Webinar invite for RTB #011-19

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Webinars will be held for county tax assessor-collectors and motor vehicle dealers to discuss RTB #011-19, “Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Validation.”

The webinar schedule is listed below, and space is limited. Please reserve your virtual “seat” as soon as possible by registering through one of the links.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM CST

Tax assessor-collectors and deputies, continuing education credit may be considered for your participation in certain Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) hosted webinars. To log your participation, please use the Continuing Education Credit Hours tracking tool on the Tax Assessor-Collectors hub by clicking the Continuing Education Credit icon.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Webinar invite for RTB #011-19

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RTB 011-19 Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Validation

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
RTB 011-19 Dealer License Number and Buyer Tag Validation

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Administrative Rules and Programming to implement HB 1548 and HB 3842

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Registration and Title System (RTS) Release 9.5, scheduled for deployment December 16th, will include programming changes to implement House Bill (HB) 1548 and HB 3842, enacted by the 86th Legislature. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Board must adopt administrative rules to implement these legislative items. Rule changes were proposed at the August 2019 TxDMV Board Meeting, and the rules were scheduled for adoption in December 2019. However, the adoption of the rules was postponed to allow additional time for further public comment. Due to this, the rules are expected to be scheduled for adoption at an early 2020 TxDMV Board meeting. The programming implemented with RTS Release 9.5, as outlined below, should not be used at this time. The department will provide further communication to notify you when RTS can be used to process these transactions.

HB 3842 authorizes the department by administrative rule to establish titling requirements and waive fees paid to a dealer by the purchaser when an out of business dealer failed to apply for title on the purchaser’s behalf as required by Transportation Code, §501.0234. HB 3842 also allows for waiving the fees for the issuance of one 30-Day permit. RTS Release 9.5 facilitates waiving fees paid to a dealer during a title application and for issuance of one 30-Day permit by adding a “Dealer Closure” checkbox in RTS. As noted above, there will be no change to the process for handling transactions when a dealer has gone out of business until rules have been adopted. You should not select this checkbox at this time. A Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) will be distributed providing further guidance on HB 3842 closer to the effective date of the rules.

HB 1548 resulted in several changes for off-highway vehicles and golf carts. HB 1548 allows an off-highway vehicle to be operated on roads when the vehicle displays an Off-Highway Vehicle license plate. Off-highway vehicles are defined as an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), recreational off-highway vehicle (ROV), utility vehicle (UTV), or sand rail. HB 1548 also requires a golf cart operated on roads to display a Golf Cart license plate.

RTS Release 9.5 includes the functionality to issue plates to off-highway vehicles, but do not issue plates to these vehicles as the rules for HB 1548 must be adopted and in effect before the plates can be issued. The department will notify you when the rules authorizing issuance of Off-Highway Vehicle license plates to off-highway vehicles are effective. Also, an RTB providing detailed guidance on HB 1548 will be distributed closer to the effective date of the rules. An initial order of the new Off-Highway Vehicle and redesigned Golf Cart license plates will be shipped to your county before the effective date of the rule.

Your office should continue to operate as it does today regarding the issuance of Golf Cart license plates. Counties that currently issue Golf Cart plates with inventory on hand should continue to issue the same plates. Counties that currently do not issue Golf Cart plates should delay issuance until you receive your initial order of the redesigned Golf Cart license plate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Administrative Rules and Programming to implement HB 1548 and HB 3842

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Reminder: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release (12/14/2019 @ 6:00 PM)

Good morning,

Over the weekend of December 14, 2019, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS), webDEALER system, and eLicensing system. During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues to the following applications

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (12/14/2019) through 10:00 AM Sunday (12/15/2019):

  • webDEALER/eTAG
  • eLicensing
  • MVI-Net
  • Temp Permits

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down buyer’s tags.   As you know, every dealer is now allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags.  If you have less than 30 printed, print your full allocation now so you are prepared when the if the webDEALER system is unavailable.  Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.

Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release (12/14/2019 @ 6:00 PM)

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Initial Notification: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release (12/14/2019 @ 6:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

Over the weekend of December 14, 2019, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS), webDEALER system, and eLicensing system. During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues to the following applications:

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (12/14/2019) through 10:00 AM Sunday (12/15/2019):

  • webDEALER/eTAG
  • eLicensing
  • MVI-Net
  • Temp Permits

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down buyer’s tags.   As you know, every dealer is now allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags.  If you have less than 30 printed, print your full allocation now so you are prepared when the if the webDEALER system is unavailable.  Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.

Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: RTS/webDEALER/eLicensing Release (12/14/2019 @ 6:00 PM)

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Webinar Invite for RTB #009-19 and RTB #010-19

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Webinars will be held for county tax assessor-collectors and motor vehicle dealers to discuss:

  • RTB #009-19, “Extended Registration Period for Eligible Trailers”
  • RTB #010-19, “Barcode Page and Application Assembly Procedures for Imaging”

Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST

Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM CST

Tax assessor-collectors and deputies, continuing education credit may be considered for your participation in certain Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) hosted webinars. To log your participation, please use the Continuing Education Credit Hours tracking tool on the Tax Assessor-Collectors hub by clicking the Continuing Education Credit icon.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Webinar Invite for RTB #009-19 and RTB #010-19

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RTB 009-19 Extended Registration Period for Eligible Trailers

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
RTB 009-19 Extended Registration Period for Eligible Trailers

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