TxDMV published rule proposals in the February 25, 2022, issue of the Texas Register

Texas DMV

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has proposed rules in the February 25, 2022, issue of the Texas Register. The proposed language is available on the TxDMV website at https://www.txdmv.gov/general-counsel/proposed-and-adopted-rules.

The proposals are posted for public comment until 5:00 p.m. on March 28, 2022.

The proposals include:

  • amendments to §217.9 are necessary to clarify portions of the rule, remove duplicate information, and to create an alternative to appraisal for owners of trailers and semi-trailers which is intended to reduce costs to applicants.
  • amendments to §217.5 expand the definition of evidence of ownership to provide an alternative to filing lawsuits to satisfy evidence of ownership under Transportation Code §501.033(b).

Source: Insurance Industry
TxDMV published rule proposals in the February 25, 2022, issue of the Texas Register

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