Update: RTS Printing Issues (05/22/2019 @ 3:17 PM CST)

Good afternoon,

Please see the attached instructions for repairing the Adobe print issue.  The IT Department support staff have used these instructions to successfully walk counties through restoring printer functionality.

Each user experiencing issues must follow these instructions on all workstations they use to process transactions.


We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience, as we work to restore offices back to normal operations.


Please contact TxDMV at 512-465-3351, if you have an open ticket, and advise the Customer Service Representative if your ticket can be closed, or if you continue to experience problems.


TxDMV Customer Service Representatives are available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday.


Thank you,


Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
3800 Jackson Ave
Austin, TX 78731
(512) 465-3351








Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update: RTS Printing Issues (05/22/2019 @ 3:17 PM CST)

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