webDEALER Statewide Adoption – Additional Information

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As you are aware, Senate Bill 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature, amended Transportation Code, Section 520.005 by adding Subsection (e). This new subsection requires each county tax assessor-collector to make webDEALER available to any licensed motor vehicle dealers (“dealers”) requesting access effective September 1, 2020.

On April 20, 2020, the department announced that to assist county tax assessor-collectors and dealers with initial webDEALER setup, the department had posted “Getting Started with webDEALER” videos at www.TxDMV.gov and additional videos would be released in the near future.

We are now pleased to announce the “Using webDEALER” videos are available to county tax assessor-collector offices and dealers.  The “Getting Started with webDEALER” and “Using webDEALER” videos are available at www.TxDMV.gov:

  • The county tax assessor-collector version is available on the TAC Hub under the “Webinars &  Presentations” tab or https://www.txdmv.gov/tax-assessor-collectors?tab=webinarspresentations. 
  • The dealer version is available on the Dealers portal under the “webDEALER” tab or https://www.txdmv.gov/dealers?tab=webdealer.  

County tax assessor-collector’s offices receiving inquiries from dealers requesting webDEALER access may utilize the dealer versions of these videos as a resource.

The department’s 16 Regional Service Center Managers will reach out to each county tax assessor-collector’s office not currently utilizing webDEALER to schedule time to present “Getting Started with webDEALER” and “Using webDEALER” on a more personalized level and to facilitate questions and answers.

While the requirement to provide webDEALER access to dealers who make a request is not effective until September 1, 2020, there is no prohibition against granting authorization prior to this date. The department encourages you to begin utilizing webDEALER as soon as you are ready.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Regional Service Center.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
webDEALER Statewide Adoption – Additional Information

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