Please review and distribute as appropriate.
The department has been made aware of an issue with a vendor using webDEALER’s web service that resulted in transactions incorrectly being marked as exempt. Due to this, a dealer using this vendor and the web service was unable to remove the exemption from these transactions, so webDEALER did not calculate title and registration related fees. The error has been corrected for newly created transactions.
County tax assessor-collector offices should return all transactions submitted or reviewed in webDEALER that have a blue Exempt checkmark displayed in the Vehicle Information section of the Title Preview page. Any impacted transaction approved by counties should be voided if possible. Transactions that cannot be voided should be rejected and processed through the Correct Title Rejection event to remove the exempt indicator and collect the title application fee. Registration, county local fees, and the processing and handling fee should be collected through Additional Collections.
Dealers should void these transactions and start a new title application in webDEALER or through the web service. Dealers should verify all appropriate fees are calculated prior to submission to a county tax assessor-collector’s office.
Thank you,
Annette Quintero, Director Vehicle Titles and Registration Division Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.
Source: Contractors and Vendors
webDEALER Web Service Related Issue
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