Initial Notification: RTS/Cognos Performance Issues (09/07/2021 12:30 PM)


Good afternoon,

Cognos is currently running slower than normal and experiencing intermittent performance issues.  Cognos Reports will be running slower than normal.  Support staff are aware of the issue and working to resolve the issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS/Cognos Performance Issues (09/07/2021 12:30 PM)

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SCAM ALERT: Cybersecurity Bulletin – Fraudulent Text Messages (SMiShing) (09/02/2021 4:10PM)


Good afternoon,

Some Texans have received text messages claiming to come from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). These messages are not from TxDMV. They are sent by cybercriminals attempting to gain access to your private information. Do not click any links provided in a suspicious text message.

We cannot stress enough that TxDMV will never reach out directly via text requesting any personal information.

Examples of suspicious text messages:

                          Smishing Examples 09/02/21                     

If you receive a suspicious text message:

  • Do not click on any links.
  • Do not reply.
  • Block the sender on your phone.
  • Report the text message to your cell carrier.
  • Report it on the messaging app you use. Look for the option to report junk or spam. 
  • Copy the message and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). 
  • Report it to the Federal Trade Commission at
  • If the text involves TxDMV, please report the fraudulent text message to
  • Delete the text message once it has been reported.

If a message appearing to come from TxDMV seems out of the ordinary or too good to be true, please use good judgment.

Please write to with any questions or concerns about text messages claiming to be sent by TxDMV.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
SCAM ALERT: Cybersecurity Bulletin – Fraudulent Text Messages (SMiShing) (09/02/2021 4:10PM)

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Movement of Oversize/Overweight Loads for Hurricane Ida Disaster

Federal Disaster Relief Permits Available

Motor carriers transporting a divisible load that is overweight only to and within the areas affected by Hurricane Ida may self-issue a Federal Disaster Relief Permit through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS). This Federal Disaster Relief Permit is only valid in Texas.

A copy of the President’s declaration must be carried with the permit. The declaration can be found here: 

The Federal Disaster Relief Permit allows for travel on all state and federal roads, including the interstate highway system. The permit may not be used for overwidth, overlength, or overheight loads.

Vehicles moving with this permit may only deliver relief supplies (the entire load must consist of relief supplies), or assist in expediting debris removal from roadways, staging areas, or temporary structure locations.

See permit for a complete list of movement conditions and restrictions.

If you have a TxPROS account but do not remember the username, password, or email address,  please contact us for assistance at 1-800-299-1700, options 2-5-4, during Permits Office call center hours of 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.




Source: Motor Carriers
Movement of Oversize/Overweight Loads for Hurricane Ida Disaster

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Labor Day 2021

Texas DMV

In observance of Labor Day, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will be closed on Monday, Sept. 6, 2021.

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online at

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at

Labor Day

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Labor Day 2021

Posted in Motor Carriers | Comments Off on TxDMV Holiday Hours – Labor Day 2021

Completed: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:09 PM)

Good afternoon,

The webDEALER emergency maintenance was completed as of 12:09 PM this afternoon, 8/30/2021.

Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed. 


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:09 PM)

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Completed: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:09 PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS emergency maintenance was completed as of 12:09 PM this afternoon, 8/30/2021.


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department

Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Completed: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:09 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Completed: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:09 PM)

Updated Time: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:00 PM)

Good morning,

The RTS system cannot receive or delete inventory at this time. The emergency maintenance will be performed at noon today, (8/30/2021). Please log out of your system during this time frame.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Updated Time: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:00 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Updated Time: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:00 PM)

Updated Time: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:00 PM)

Good morning,

The webDEALER system cannot assign plates, including special plates at this time. The emergency maintenance will be performed at noon today, 8/30/2021). Please log out of your system during this time frame.

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Updated Time: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 12:00 PM)

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Initial Notification: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Good morning,

The webDEALER system cannot assign plates, including special plates at this time. An emergency maintenance will be performed from 10:00 AM until 10:05 this morning (8/30/2021). Please log out of your system during this time frame.

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: webDEALER – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Initial Notification: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Good morning,

The RTS system cannot receive or delete inventory at this time. An emergency maintenance will be performed from 10:00 AM until 10:05 this morning (8/30/2021). Please log out of your system during this time frame.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS – Emergency Maintenance (8/30/2021 @ 10:00 AM)

Completed: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/29/2021 @ 5:20AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of the eLicensing system updates were completed as of 5:20 AM this morning, 8/29/2021.


Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Department




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/29/2021 @ 5:20AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Completed: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/29/2021 @ 5:20AM)

Completed: RTS Release 10.2 (8/29/2021 @ 5:20AM)

Good morning,

The deployment of the RTS system updates were completed as of 5:20 AM this morning, 8/29/2021.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Completed: RTS Release 10.2 (8/29/2021 @ 5:20AM)

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County Reports for Texas by Texas (TxT) Transactions

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you for supporting online renewal via the Internet Vehicle Title and Registration Service (IVTRS) maintained at The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) is enhancing the online renewal system with a new web-based application called Texas by Texas (TxT) in partnership with As part of this project, the TxT website will be deployed on August 28, 2021.

This deployment of TxT will not affect how your office currently processes online renewal transactions using the Registration and Title System.

As background, TxT will serve as “a personal and portable government assistant that offers an even easier, faster, and more secure way for Texans to take care of government to do’s – like registration renewal.” The new TxT website will allow users to create a user account, link vehicles, and establish a personalized profile with stored payment information, transaction history, preferences, and other features, so they can receive reminders and complete transactions faster.

While TxT will not be actively promoted until later this year, it is possible some customers may renew their registration via TxT prior to the formal launch. If this occurs, your office may need to compare reports from IVTRS and TxT to reconcile online revenue transactions. For any renewals processed using TxT, separate reports – similar to the Batch Summary and Batch Detail reports – will be generated and automatically sent to your county. If your county receives these new reports, please review them for transaction reconciliation as needed.

IVTRS Reports
There are two ways that your county may access the current IVTRS reports:

  1. Use the TPE Admin tool to run the reports on demand
  2. Receive the daily reports via email from NIC (there are five).

New TxT Reports
Reports for TxT transactions will be emailed to your office like the IVTRS reports. These reports may also be downloaded through the TPE Admin tool.

How to Download Reports
Access the system at

  1. Confirm your login credentials are updated. If you’re unable to login, enter a ticket on ServiceNow to reset or unlock TPE account at:
  2. The attached TPE Admin User Guide can be referenced to learn more about the TPE admin tool and how to access reports.
  3. A formal launch of TxT will occur later this year, and you will be provided more information prior to the TxT launch. (IVTRS) remains the preferred method for online renewal until TxT formally launches, and the TxDMV website will still redirect customers to for online renewals.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
County Reports for Texas by Texas (TxT) Transactions

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on County Reports for Texas by Texas (TxT) Transactions

Update to the Exempt Agency List

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Effective September 1, 2021, Senate Bill 795, enacted by the 87th Legislative Session, amends Transportation Code, Section 721.003(a), to include the Texas Military Department in the list of state agencies that may adopt rules exempting the agency from the requirement to display their name on each side of a state-owned motor vehicle under their control.

The Exempt Agency List has been updated to reflect the Texas Military Department and is available for use on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Website at:

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Update to the Exempt Agency List

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Update to the Exempt Agency List

Changes to Disabled Veteran License Plates Coming in 2022

Texas DMV


Changes to Disabled Veteran License Plates Coming in 2022

Disabled Veteran Plates with the International Symbol of Access will be Available

(AUSTIN, Texas – August 26, 2021) A new state law will change the requirements for Texans with disabled veteran license plates who wish to park in spaces reserved for persons with disabilities.

Senate Bill 792 requires that as of Jan. 1, 2022, anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA, and all Texans with these plates are permitted to use disabled parking.

Texans with disabled veteran plates wanting to use disabled parking spaces beginning in 2022 may apply for a disabled parking placard or for a new disabled veteran license plate with the ISA if the veteran meets the eligibility requirements for an ISA after Jan. 1, 2022. Applicants may submit their paperwork at their local county tax assessor-collector’s office. Current placards will remain valid; however, the new requirements must be met at time of renewal.

Eligibility for Disabled Parking Placards or License Plates with the International Symbol of Access

Placard and plate eligibility is based on a medical condition that meets the legal definition of a disability. “Disability” means a condition in which a person has:

  • Visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses.
  • Visual acuity of more than 20/200 but with a limited field of vision in which the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle of 20 degrees or less.
  • Mobility problems that substantially impair a person’s ability to move around; these problems can be caused by:
    • Paralysis.
    • Lung disease.
    • Uses portable oxygen
    • Cardiac deficiency.
    • Wheelchair confinement.
    • Arthritis, neurological, or orthopedic condition.
    • Foot disorder.
    • Other medical condition causing a person to use a brace, cane, crutch or other assistive device.

A parking placard or plate with the ISA is only valid when being used by the person with the disability or someone who is driving the person with the disability.

It is a violation of state law to use the placard or plates for a disabled parking spot without the person with the disability in the vehicle. People who misuse disabled parking placards are subject to fines of up to $1,250 and/or up to 50 hours of community service.

Media Contact:            Customer Contact:                 
(512) 465-1484              1-888-368-4689

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles registers and titles motor vehicles, licenses motor vehicle dealers, credentials motor carriers, issues oversize/overweight permits, investigates complaints against dealers and motor carriers, and awards grants to law enforcement agencies to reduce vehicle burglaries and thefts. Learn more at

Source: News and Information
Changes to Disabled Veteran License Plates Coming in 2022

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Reminder: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of August 28, 2021, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (8/28/2021), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (8/29/2021).  During the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the system.

Note: A notification update will be published once the eLicensing deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Reminder: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Reminder: RTS Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of August 28, 2021, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS) and associated applications.  During the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the following applications:

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (8/28/2021), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (8/29/2021):

  • eLicensing

Note: A notification update will be published once the RTS deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Reminder: RTS Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Reminder: RTS Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of August 28, 2021, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing System starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (8/28/2021), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (8/29/2021).  During the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the system.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers. 

Note: A notification update will be published once the eLicensing deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Initial Notification: RTS Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

Good afternoon,

On the weekend of August 28, 2021, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration and Titling System (RTS) and associated applications.  During the deployment window, you may experience intermittent connectivity when accessing the following applications:

Starting at 6:00 PM Saturday (8/28/2021), lasting up to 10:00 AM Sunday (8/29/2021):

  • eLicensing

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Note: A notification update will be published once the RTS deployment is completed.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Release 10.2 (8/28/2021 @ 6:00PM)

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Resolved: RTS Batch Reports are now available (08/20/2021 5:22 PM)

Good afternoon,

RTS Batch processing is complete. All transactions for 8/18/2021 have processed and reports are now available.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS Batch Reports are now available (08/20/2021 5:22 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS Batch Reports are now available (08/20/2021 5:22 PM)

Webinars for RTB #002-21 and RTB #003-21

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Webinars will be held for county tax assessor-collectors and licensed vehicle storage facilities to discuss RTB #002-21, “Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition” and for county tax assessor-collectors to discuss RTB #003-21, “Change to Timeframe for Filing a Mechanic Lien Foreclosure Notice with the County Tax Assessor-Collector for Certain Vehicles.”

The webinar schedule is listed below, and space is limited. Please reserve your virtual “seat” as soon as possible by registering through one of the links.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021, at 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST

Tuesday, August 24, 2021, at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST

Tax assessor-collectors and deputies, continuing education credit may be considered for your participation in certain Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) hosted webinars. To log your participation, please use the Continuing Education Credit Hours tracking tool on the Tax Assessor-Collectors hub by clicking the Continuing Education Credit icon.

Thank you,



Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Webinars for RTB #002-21 and RTB #003-21

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Webinars for RTB #002-21 and RTB #003-21

Update: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 11:10 AM)

Good morning,

As communicated earlier, the RTS batch process did not complete overnight; however, RTS remains available, and you can continue to process transactions.  Transactions processed Wednesday, August 18, 2021, have not updated in the system, and associated reports are unavailable as a result.

The batch process is currently running, and we will provide additional updates once the process is complete.   

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as staff work to resolve the issue.

Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 11:10 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Update: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 11:10 AM)

Initial Notification: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 7:55 AM)

Good morning,

TxDMV RTS Batch for the night of 08/19/2021 is still processing at this time, which includes transactions and reporting. We will provide progress updates throughout the day. At this time, reports will not be available until after 3PM.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 7:55 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS Batch Report is delayed (08/20/2021 7:55 AM)

RTB 003-21 Change to Timeframe for Filing a Mechanic Lien Foreclosure Notice with the County Tax Assessor-Collector for Certain Vehicles

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #003-21 provides guidance on a change to when a mechanic must file a copy of the foreclosure notice with a county tax assessor-collector for vehicles with a gross weight of 16,000 pounds or more as a result of House Bill 2879, enacted by the 87th Legislature.

To support this change, revisions were made to the Mechanic’s Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-M), as well as to the Mechanic’s Lien Procedures flow charts.  RTB #003-21, revised form, and flow charts are attached.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Lienholders
RTB 003-21 Change to Timeframe for Filing a Mechanic Lien Foreclosure Notice with the County Tax Assessor-Collector for Certain Vehicles

Posted in Lienholders | Comments Off on RTB 003-21 Change to Timeframe for Filing a Mechanic Lien Foreclosure Notice with the County Tax Assessor-Collector for Certain Vehicles

RTB 002-21 Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Registration and Title Bulletin (RTB) #002-21 provides guidance on the transfer of certain property from a self-service storage facility to a licensed vehicle storage facility for disposition as a result of Senate Bill 1181, enacted by the 87th Legislature. 

To support this change, revisions were made to the Self-Service Storage Facility Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-SSF) and Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-VSF), as well as to the Self-Service Storage Facility Lien Procedures and Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility Lien Procedures flow charts.  RTB #002-21, revised forms, and flow charts are attached.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTB 002-21 Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on RTB 002-21 Transfer of Certain Property from a Self-Service Storage Facility (SSF) to a Licensed Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) for Disposition