Motor Carrier Alert


The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) did NOT send this text message regarding your USDOT Number and TXDMV number:

text message

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles does not send text messages regarding renewal of motor carrier certificates of registration. TxDMV sends renewal notices through the Motor Carrier Credentialing System (MCCS) at least 30 days before the date the certificate will expire.  

The TxDMV website is

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is NOT affiliated with the third party that operates

If you receive a suspicious text message:

  • Do not click on any links.
  • Do not reply.
  • Block the sender on your phone.
  • Delete the text message.
  • Report the text message to your cell carrier.

If you think you are a victim of fraud, you can find helpful information on the Texas Attorney General’s website and on the Federal Trade Commission’s website.     


Source: Motor Carriers
Motor Carrier Alert

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HB3533 Bond Notice Final

House Bill 3533 was passed during the regular 87th legislative session increasing the required surety bond amount for most dealer general distinguishing number (GDN) holders.  Effective September 1, 2021, the security requirement to issue or renew a GDN requires a Motor Vehicle Dealer Surety Bond in the amount of $50,000. Previously, the required surety bond amount was $25,000.

The surety bond requirement applies to all GDN license types except for Trailer/Semitrailer and Non-Motorized Travel Trailer. The bond requirement does not apply to Franchised dealers issued a GDN license associated to a Franchised dealer license. Applicants and dealers applying for a new GDN, or renewing a current GDN, prior to September 1, may still submit a Motor Vehicle Dealer Surety Bond in the amount of $25,000 to meet the security requirement. All applicants and dealers applying for a new GDN, or renewing a current GDN, on or after September 1 are required to submit a Motor Vehicle Dealer Surety Bond in the amount of $50,000.

In addition to the increased security bond, the new law requires dealers to post notice of the surety bond and the procedure by which a claimant may recover from the bond. This posting should be adjacent to, and in the same manner as, the dealer’s posted GDN.

Please refer to Texas Administrative Code §215.137 for a complete list of surety bond requirements and Transportation Code §503.033 for a complete list of security requirements.

Thank you,

Monique Johnston, Director
Motor Vehicle Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
HB3533 Bond Notice Final

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Now Available: New options for Independent Dealer Training

The 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 604 requiring Independent Motor Vehicle Dealers who have been licensed less than 10 years, and new applicants for those licenses, to complete a web-based education training course prior to submitting a new or renewal GDN application.

The dealers required to take this course are licensed to buy, sell, or exchange used cars, trucks, motor homes, neighborhood electric vehicles, recreational off-road vehicles (ROV), all-terrain vehicles (ATV), or utility vehicles (UTV).

An additional vendor, Automobile Dealer Training Association LLC, has been approved to provide a license renewal course and a pre-licensing course, and these courses are available at

In addition to approved license renewal and pre-licensing courses, the Texas Independent Automobile Dealers Association (TIADA) is now offering the pre-licensing course in Spanish by selecting en Español. TIADA’s licensing education courses can be found at

The education training course must be completed by at least one owner or operating manager, and a copy of the Certificate of Completion must be uploaded as part of all new and renewal GDN Motor Vehicle license applications.

Dealers licensed for more than 10 years as of September 1, 2019, are excluded from this requirement. All license holders who have not held their current Independent Motor Vehicle GDN for the required 10-year period will be asked to provide proof of course completion as part of their renewal application.  License holders with more than 10 years of licensing history may upload a statement in lieu of completing the renewal course.

More information about the education requirement, including answers to frequently asked questions, can be found on the TxDMV website here

Thank you!

Monique Johnston, Director

Motor Vehicle Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


Source: Salvage Dealers
Now Available: New options for Independent Dealer Training

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Ya disponible: Nuevas opciones para la formación de distribuidores independientes

La 86th Legislatura de Texas aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 604 que requiere que los Concesionarios Independientes de Vehículos Motorizados que tengan una licencia de menos de 10 años, y los nuevos solicitantes de esas licencias, completen un curso de capacitación educativo basado en el internet antes de presentar una solicitud de GDN nueva o renovada.

Los concesionarios que deben tomar este curso tienen licencia para comprar, vender o intercambiar automóviles, camiones, casas rodantes, vehículos eléctricos del vecindario, vehículos recreativos todoterreno (ROV), vehículos todo terreno (ATV) o vehículos utilitarios (UTV) usados.

Un proveedor adicional, Automobile Dealer Training Association LLC, ha sido aprobado para proporcionar un curso de renovación de licencia y un curso de pre-licencia, y estos cursos están disponibles en

Además de los cursos aprobados de renovación de licencias y pre-licencia, Texas Independent Automobile Dealers Association (TIADA) ahora ofrece el curso de pre-licencia en español seleccionando en Español. Los cursos de educación sobre licencias de TIADA se pueden encontrar en

El curso de capacitación educativa debe ser completado por al menos un propietario o gerente operativo, y se debe cargar una copia del Certificado de finalización como parte de todas las solicitudes de licencia de vehículos de motor de GDN nuevas y renovadas.

Los distribuidores autorizados por más de 10 años a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2019 están excluidos de este requisito. A todos los titulares de licencias que no hayan tenido su GDN de vehículos motorizados independiente actual durante el período requerido de 10 años se les pedirá que proporcionen un comprobante de finalización del curso como parte de su solicitud de renovación. Los titulares de licencias con más de 10 años de historial de licencias pueden cargar una declaración en lugar de completar el curso de renovación.

Puede encontrar más información sobre el requisito de educación, incluidas las respuestas a las preguntas frecuentes, en el sitio web de TxDMV aquí.


Monique Johnston, Director
Motor Vehicle Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles





Source: Salvage Dealers
Ya disponible: Nuevas opciones para la formación de distribuidores independientes

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TxPROS and FMCSA Out-of-Service Orders

Effective 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 24, oversize/overweight permit applicants required to have a USDOT Number must provide it during the permit application process. TxPROS will check the number against the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) system, MCMIS, for any out-of-service orders prior to permit issuance. The permit will be issued to the company name as it is listed for the USDOT Number.

To view a company’s current USDOT Number information and status, visit:

To update USDOT Number info, visit:

For more information, visit: 


Source: Motor Carriers
TxPROS and FMCSA Out-of-Service Orders

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Resolved: Statewide Network Issues (08/06/2021 3:50 PM)

Good afternoon,

The network connectivity issues have now been resolved.  VPN is also reinstated and fully operational.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Statewide Network Issues (08/06/2021 3:50 PM)

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Initial Notification: Statewide Network Issues (08/06/2021 2:23 PM)

Good afternoon,

TxDMV is currently experiencing network connectivity issues.  VPN is also impacted.  TxDMV staff are currently troubleshooting these network issues.  We will send an update once the network issues have been resolved.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: Statewide Network Issues (08/06/2021 2:23 PM)

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Disabled Veteran License Plates with International Symbol of Access Availability

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Senate Bill (SB) 792, enacted by the 87th Legislature, allows eligible disabled veterans to opt for Disabled Veteran (DV) license plates with the International Symbol of Access (ISA).

SB 792 requires the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) to adopt rules for issuing these specialty license plates no later than December 1, 2021. On August 5, 2021, the TxDMV Board approved the proposed rules to be posted to the Texas Register for public comment. Programming of the Registration and Title System will occur following adoption of the rules. The DV license plates with the ISA will not be available for issuance until January 1, 2022.

Further communication will be provided after TxDMV adopts rules for issuing the specialty license plates.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Disabled Veteran License Plates with International Symbol of Access Availability

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TxDMV Board Meeting – August 5, 2021

Board Meeting
Thursday, August 5, 2021 – 9:00 a.m.

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
4000 Jackson Ave., Building 1, Lone Star Room
Austin, Texas 78731

Link to Meeting Agenda

TxDMV Board, committee, and advisory committee meetings are open to the public. Visit the TxDMV Board page for meeting agendas, material, public comment registration form, and transcripts here:

If you would like to comment on any agenda item, you must complete a speaker’s form at the registration table prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board or send an email to to register by providing the required information prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:

1. a completed Public Comment Registration Form; or
2. the following information:
    a. the agenda item you wish to comment on;
    b. your name;
    c. your address (optional), including your city, state, and zip code; and
    d. who you are representing.

Public comment will only be accepted in person. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes, and time allotted to one speaker may not be reassigned to another speaker.




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Board Meeting – August 5, 2021

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Finance and Audit Committee Meeting – August 4, 2021

Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 4, 2021 – 2:00 p.m.

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
4000 Jackson Ave., Building 1, Lone Star Room
Austin, Texas 78731

Link to Meeting Agenda

TxDMV Board, committee, and advisory committee meetings are open to the public. Visit the TxDMV Board page for meeting agendas, material, public comment registration form, and transcripts here:

If you would like to comment on any agenda item, you must complete a speaker’s form at the registration table prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board or send an email to to register by providing the required information prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:

1. a completed Public Comment Registration Form; or
2. the following information:
    a. the agenda item you wish to comment on;
    b. your name;
    c. your address (optional), including your city, state, and zip code; and
    d. who you are representing.

Public comment will only be accepted in person. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes, and time allotted to one speaker may not be reassigned to another speaker.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Finance and Audit Committee Meeting – August 4, 2021

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Informational Alert: Customers Receiving Fraudulent emails posing as TxDMV (08/02/2021 10:30AM)


Good morning,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) is aware of suspicious emails that are being sent from illegitimate accounts posing as TxDMV staff.  These are phishing emails and an attempt to obtain sensitive information from you.  The emails will have a TxDMV staff member’s name in the “From” field, but will not have a “” email address and may ask for sensitive information or mention some urgent matter that requires sensitive information from you. 

Here is an example of an email using this tactic with the illegitimate account posing as a TxDMV user highlighted:

                     Fraud emails

As a reminder, if you receive a suspicious email:

    • Never open attachments or click on any links from unknown senders.
    • Hover over the link with your mouse to see if the link points to a legitimate address.
    • Never enter your sensitive information in an untrusted site or pop-up window.
    • Do not reply.

Attached is a reference document to help identify phishing attempts.

To report a suspicious email or to verify if an email is legitimate, please save the email as a file and send the file as an attachment to TxDMV. 

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Informational Alert: Customers Receiving Fraudulent emails posing as TxDMV (08/02/2021 10:30AM)

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License Plate Applications Submitted to OpenText for Imaging

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The department’s imaging vendor, OpenText, is now scanning license plate applications and supporting documents. Effective August 2, 2021, you may begin sending all exempt registration, personalized dealer, and qualifying specialty license plate applications ready for imaging to:

4210 IH35 Frontage Road
Suite 224 Building 2
San Antonio, TX  78218

Effective August 16, 2021, the applications identified above must be sent to this new address.  Please do not send applications to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles after this date.

There is no change to the assembly procedures introduced in the Registration and Title Bulletin #010-19, “Barcode Page and Application Assembly Procedures for Imaging.”  A high volume of inaccurately assembled applications continue to be submitted for imaging. Please review the following assembly procedures:

  • Assemble the documents in the following order:
    1. Barcode Page
    2. Application
    3. Proof of Eligibility Documentation, if applicable
    4. Registration and Title System (RTS) Receipts
      • Special Plate Application (Manufacture) Receipt (for personalized dealer license plates and qualifying specialty license plates)
      • RTS Transaction Receipt
  • Use a single staple one inch from the top left corner to secure the documents.
  • When issuing multiple plates as a result of one application for exempt registration, only the first barcode sheet printed should be attached to the application.

Attached are the complete assembly procedures and updated mailing instructions to use when sending exempt registration, personalized dealer, and qualifying specialty license plate applications to OpenText for imaging. The attached procedures include a complete list of license plate applications required to be sent for imaging and OpenText’s updated mailing address.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
License Plate Applications Submitted to OpenText for Imaging

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July 30 LMS Transition Reminder


                                      Reminder – July 30 – 
                    Last Day for Registration and Title System (RTS) 
                                Training in Articulate Online

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Articulate Online will no longer be available after July 30, 2021.  Please plan to complete and report any unfinished training from Articulate Online by July 30, 2021.  Beginning July 31, 2021, all RTS training must be completed in TalentLMS.  Login credentials for TalentLMS were emailed to each county’s point-of-contact on Friday, July 9, 2021.

Friday, July 30, 2021, is also the last day to export training histories from Articulate Online to save for your records.  Training histories in Articulate Online will NOT be available in TalentLMS, which is why we suggest you export the records to save for your archives.  For your convenience, instructions on how to export training histories can be found in the Learning Center Tutorial modules. 

Thank you for your continued support during this transition.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
July 30 LMS Transition Reminder

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Resolved: RTS – Temporary Permit Issue (7/26/2021 @ 2:05PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS Temporary Permit function is now available.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department 




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS – Temporary Permit Issue (7/26/2021 @ 2:05PM)

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Initial Notification: RTS – Temporary Permit Issue (7/26/2021 @ 1:00PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS Temporary Permit function is currently unavailable.  Support staff are working to resolve the issue. An update will be sent as more information becomes available. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department 





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS – Temporary Permit Issue (7/26/2021 @ 1:00PM)

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Resolved: webDEALER is available (07/21/2021 02:24 PM)

Good afternoon,

The webDEALER system is now available. 

Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: webDEALER is available (07/21/2021 02:24 PM)

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Resolved: RTS is available (07/21/2021 02:24 PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS system is now available.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS is available (07/21/2021 02:24 PM)

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Initial Notification: webDEALER Unavailable (07/21/2021 @ 12:35 PM)

Good afternoon,

The webDEALER system is currently unavailable. Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  We will provide updates as we work on the issue and when the issue is resolved.

As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down tags. Every dealer is allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags. Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department





Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: webDEALER Unavailable (07/21/2021 @ 12:35 PM)

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Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (07/21/2021 @ 12:17 PM)

Good afternoon,

The RTS system is currently unavailable. Support staff are working to resolve the issue.  We will provide updates as we work on the issue and when the issue is resolved.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (07/21/2021 @ 12:17 PM)

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Security Alert: SCAM NOTIFICATION: Suspicious e-Mails Sent to webDEALER Users (07/16/2021 3:21PM)


Good afternoon,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has become aware that some webDEALER users have received emails claiming to come from TxDMV. The emails are not from TxDMV. They are sent by cybercriminals attempting to gain access to your private information or to deliver harmful files to your computer. Do not click any links provided in a suspicious email.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles will never reach out directly via email requesting any personal information or requiring you to sign into TxDMV systems to verify your account.

If you receive a suspicious email:

    • Never open attachments or click on any links from unknown senders
    • Hover over the link with your mouse to see if the link points to a legitimate address
    • Never enter your sensitive information in an untrusted site or pop up window
    • Do not reply

If you entered your username and password when following one of these links, change your password immediately
If an email appearing to come from TxDMV seems out of the ordinary, please use good judgment.

Contact TxDMV directly if any email seems suspicious.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Security Alert: SCAM NOTIFICATION: Suspicious e-Mails Sent to webDEALER Users (07/16/2021 3:21PM)

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July 2021 Motor Vehicle Title Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Title Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System (RTS) workstations and at

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text. 

Chapter 2 – Administration and Transaction Handling Procedures
Section 2.9, “Authorized Transactions,” is a new section that was added to provide information related to the new Authorize Transaction permission that allows a user to enter their Registration and Title System (RTS) username and password in lieu of an authorization code previously issued by the Regional Service Centers. This feature was implemented with the RTS Release 10.1. 

Chapter 7 – Corrections
Several sections throughout Chapter 7 were updated regarding the processing of an application for a corrected title without a Certified Copy of Title (CCO) when the owner certifies the original Texas title has been lost or destroyed, as provided by the Registration and Title Bulletin #001-21.

Chapter 21 – Theft and Fraudulent Activities
Section 21.2, “Stolen Motor Vehicles,” was updated to include a note that a police report is not required to support the title application when an insurance company is applying for title in their name.

Chapter 24 – Certified Copies
Section 24.6, “Title Records Recording a Lien,” was updated to include the Regional Service Centers’ ability to remove liens when issuing a CCO if the application is supported by an original release of lien. This was implemented with the RTS Release 10.1.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Motorist Services
July 2021 Motor Vehicle Title Manual Update

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July 2021 Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System workstations and at

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text. 

Chapter 4 – Insurance Companies
Section 4.4, “Owner Retained Vehicles,” was updated to include information regarding the programming enhancement for insurance companies to electronically submit an Owner Retained Report to the department through webSALVAGE as of June 21, 2021.

Chapter 8 – Replacements, Errors, and Innocent Purchasers
Section 8.6, “Owner Retained Report in Error,” was updated to include the ability for insurance companies to electronically submit an Owner Retained Correction or Rescission to the department through webSALVAGE as part of the programming enhancement.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Motorist Services
July 2021 Salvage/Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual Update

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Informational: Security Alert: Critical Security Patch 07/14/2021 (after-hours rollout)


Good afternoon,

Please be advised that IT will be rolling out a critical security patch tonight which has been provided by Microsoft.  The patch is intended to fix a critical security vulnerability identified by Microsoft that could allow an attacker to install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.  Please ensure that your computer is powered on and connected to VPN as applicable, so that it can receive the patch.  Some users may be prompted to reboot their computer.  If possible, we ask that users reboot immediately upon receiving this message or delay the reboot for the same day after normal business hours.  However, if not possible, users will be able to delay the reboot as needed for up to four days until a forced reboot will occur.  If you experience any issues related to the patch, please let us know as soon as possible at

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Informational: Security Alert: Critical Security Patch 07/14/2021 (after-hours rollout)

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Welcome to TalentLMS!

Please review and distribute as appropriate.


                                     Welcome to TalentLMS!

On Friday, July 9, 2021, county points-of-contact will be emailed the TalentLMS login credentials for their respective learners (county and full-service deputies). The email will include additional information and a request that learners log in to TalentLMS to change their passwords.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The county points-of-contact who receive the email will be responsible for distributing the login credentials to their learners.

TalentLMS is the new Registration and Title System (RTS) training platform.  For more details about the transition to TalentLMS and the impact to county learners, please review the attached handout.

Thank you,


Roland D. Luna, Sr., Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Welcome to TalentLMS!

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Resolved: Countywide Report, Substation Summary, Title Package and Batch Inventory Action Report (7/6/2021)

Good morning,

The POS Client Batch routines which include Countywide, Substation Summary, Title Package and Batch Inventory Action Report has been completed.  

As a reminder, if you were previously unable to run these POS Client Batches, please try again.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Countywide Report, Substation Summary, Title Package and Batch Inventory Action Report (7/6/2021)

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