RTB 010-19 Barcode Page and Application Assembly Procedures for Imaging

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTB 010-19 Barcode Page and Application Assembly Procedures for Imaging

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TxDMV publishes a rule adoption in the November 29, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has adopted rules in the November 29, 2019, issue of the Texas Register. The adoption addresses required training for a person performing registration or titling services through the department’s automated registration and title system (RTS). The adopted language is available on TxDMV’s website at https://www.txdmv.gov/general-counsel/proposed-and-adopted-rules.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes a rule adoption in the November 29, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

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Training Program to Access the Registration and Title System (RTS)

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you are aware, Senate Bill 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature, added Transportation Code, Section 520.023. The legislation requires the department to implement a training program on the department’s automated registration and titling system and identification of fraudulent activity related to vehicle registration and titling.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ (TxDMV) Board voted to adopt rules for this training program during its October 3, 2019, board meeting, which will be effective December 16, 2019. While the adopted rules only had minor changes from the proposed rules we previously detailed for you, we wanted to ensure you received a communication detailing the adopted rules and to provide you additional information.

Training Requirements
The rule requires all users of the RTS, which includes county, full-service deputy, and department personnel, to complete a minimum level of fraud training. Additional training is required depending on the RTS security permissions granted to the individual users. Not every user will be required to complete all modules; however, a user with all RTS security permissions would be required to take all modules. Every user will need to complete at least three fraud training modules and the “R-108 – RTS Overview and Security” module. From there, each security permission requires completing additional modules. We previously provided you with the final RTS-to-Module mapping document and are reattaching it for your convenience.

Existing RTS users will have until August 31, 2020, to complete all required training associated with existing permissions. New permissions cannot be enabled for any user until required training is completed. This means an existing RTS user being assigned a new permission on or after December 16, 2019, must complete the required training and the training be verified by the department before the new permission can be assigned. Further, any new RTS user must complete the required training and the training be verified by the department before any access can be granted and permissions can be assigned.

Training must be completed through the department’s existing eLearning training system. Each employee must complete the training with their individually assigned eLearning credentials. The department is unable to give RTS users credit for training completed under a shared eLearning account. As a reminder, these training modules can be accessed from the TAC Hub by selecting “Go to TxDMV Learning Center” in the TAC Toolbox or directly at https://learningtxdmv.articulate-online.com/Login.aspx.

eLearning modules typically range from 10 to 25 minutes in length. The time it takes a user to complete the training will vary by user and the permissions the user has or will have assigned. A user will have successfully completed an eLearning module upon receiving a passing score of at least 80% on the test at the end of the module. Users who have already achieved a score of at least 80% on the test at the end of a module will not be required to retake the module, unless the module is substantively updated after December 16, 2019.

A user may retake a module as often and as soon as desired. There are no limits on how often a user may retake a module or how quickly they may do so. Further, the “status” reflected on a module has no impact to a user’s completion so long as the user has scored at least 80%. Please do not consider the “status” listed for a user’s module, since it may reflect as “incomplete” or some other status, yet reflect a score. The score is the only item the department considers when verifying completion of modules.

New or Updated Training Modules
If new modules are added or existing modules are substantively updated between December 16, 2019, and August 31, 2020, RTS users with permissions requiring these modules will have until August 31, 2020, to complete the module and report completion to the department. If the completion is reported to the department by August 31, 2020, the associated security permission(s) will not be disabled. However, if the department is unable to verify completion after August 31, 2020, the permission will be disabled.

The department will provide notice when new or updated modules are released. As we previously communicated, the department will not release any new or revised modules between June 1 and August 31, 2020.

Starting September 1, 2020, any new or updated modules associated with an existing RTS security permission must be completed within 120 days of the department’s notice the module is available. If the completion is reported to the department by the 120th day, the associated security permission(s) will not be disabled. However, if the department is unable to verify completion after the 120th day, the permission will be disabled.

A county tax assessor-collector at their discretion may grant a 14-day extension to a county employee or full-service deputy if the person is on leave on the day of revision release, they remain on leave for the duration of the 120 days, and the leave is due to circumstances beyond the person’s control.

Reporting Module Completion
Beginning December 16 with the RTS 9.5 Release, completion must be reported through RTS and subsequently verified by the department. Security permissions will still be assigned and removed by county personnel; however, the department must verify all associated modules are completed for an applicable permission before the permission can be enabled.

To report completed modules, an RTS user with the “Security” security permission must:

  1. Access the Employee Security event in RTS (located in the Local Options menu under Security).
  2. Enter the Employee Id, and allow the user’s security profile to load.
  3. Select the new “Report Training” button located at the bottom of the screen. A new screen will load listing all modules a user has not completed or modules that must be retaken (because they have been updated). Completed modules verified by the department will not appear.
  4. Select all applicable modules (you can select more than one module by holding the CTRL button and clicking multiple modules), and select the Enter button. The applicable modules have now been reported as complete to the department.

The department will verify reports of module completion submitted by county tax assessor-collector’s offices in the order they are received statewide. The department will verify reported modules have been passed with a score of at least 80% by the RTS user. If a user has not met this requirement, the module will be returned. When the department verifies or returns reported modules, all county RTS users with the “Security” security permission will receive a red popup in RTS alerting them to the department’s review.

Available Reports and Resources
The RTS 9.5 Release will feature new Cognos reports. One report will identify users with expiring permissions and identify which modules must be completed and another report is a user transcript. Further, RTS itself will contain a report feature that details which modules a user has and has not completed towards each security permission. More information on these new reports will be made available via the RTS 9.5 Release Notes.

We have added a new “Training” tab to the TAC Hub. The tab already contains distributed information and documents for your use, including a job aid and the RTS-to-Module mapping document. Other documents and information will be added as they are made available.

The department will be hosting webinars to discuss this communication, review new RTS screens and functionality related to this program, review the Cognos reports, explain eLearning reports, and provide answers to your questions.

Thursday, December 12, 2019, at 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST

Thursday, December 12, 2019, at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Training Program to Access the Registration and Title System (RTS)

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Huntsville Lock-down 12-2-19

The lock-down was lifted on the evening of 11-25-19 and the TxDMV Huntsville Warehouse operation is no longer in lock-down status. During the lock-down we were able to work a skeleton crew of inmates to process allocations orders and manufacture
specialty license plates. At this time, we anticipate a two day delay in these services.


Best regards,


Brad Beaty
Program Specialist III
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Finance and Administrative Services Division



Tell us how we’re doing. Complete our
customer satisfaction survey.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Huntsville Lock-down 12-2-19

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October 2019 Registration Manual Update

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Registration Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System (RTS) workstations and at www.txdmv.gov.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to VTR_Title_Reg-Manual-Update@txdmv.gov (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

The majority of the manual revisions include changes from the 86th Legislative Session. The following are brief summaries of the chapters updated in the October 2019 revision.

Chapter 3 – Disabled Persons
Section 3.4, “Parking Placard Application,” was updated as a result of HB 643, which amended Transportation Code, Section 681.003, and detailed in RTB #006-19. HB 643 allows a resident of Texas to apply for a Disabled Parking Placard in the county where they are seeking medical treatment. Previously, a Texas resident could only apply for a placard in the county in which they reside.

Chapter 9 – Registration Fees
Section 9.5, “Mopeds,” was updated as a result of HB 3171, which amended the definition of a moped to a motor vehicle with a maximum speed of 30 mph with a motor that produces not more than five-brake horsepower. If an internal combustion engine is used, the maximum piston displacement is 50cc.

Chapter 10 – General Provisions
Section 10.1, “Definitions,” was updated as a result of recent legislation. The updates include changes to the definitions of a commercial motor vehicle as a result of HB 3171 and motorized mobility device as a result of Senate Bill (SB) 969, and the addition of a definition for former military vehicle as a result of HB 1755.

Chapter 12 – Off-Highway, Log Loader, Forestry & Miscellaneous
Section 12.1, “Off-Highway Vehicles,” replaces the previous Sections 12.1, “All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV),” and 12.2, “Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROV),” to incorporate the definitions and operation of all off-highway vehicles into one section. As a result of HB 1548 and HB 1755, off-highway vehicles include ATVs, ROVs, utility vehicles, and sand rails. The following subsequent sections from 12.2 to 12.13 were renumbered as a result of changes from HB 1548 and HB 1755.

Section 12.7, “Log Loader Vehicle,” was updated to eliminate the placement of the registration sticker and single plate for Log Loader vehicles.

Chapter 14 – Application for Registration
Section 14.4, “Initial Registration,” was updated to add a new section regarding Communication Impediment as a result of SB 976 and detailed in RTB #003-19.

Section 14.6, “Registration Year” also was updated as a result of SB 976. The update specifies that the communication impediment indicator may be added at any time, including at registration renewal, by the applicant submitting the Certification of Communication Impediment (Form VTR-216).

Section 14.11, “Refusal to Register Vehicles (Scofflaws),” was updated to clarify when a county tax assessor-collector has the option to refuse to register a motor vehicle.

Chapter 19 – Military Specialty License Plates
Section 19.3, “Disabled Veteran Specialty License Plates,” was updated as a result of HB 3068, which amended Transportation Code, Section. 504.202, to specify that previously issued embossed Disabled Veteran plates may be used as long as the specific qualifications are met. The specific qualifications have been updated in Chapter 19. RTB #007-19, which was distributed previously, also discusses the specific qualifications for the use of previously issued embossed Disabled Veteran plates.

Chapter 21 – Miscellaneous Specialty License Plates
Section 21.1, “Antique and Former Military,” was updated as a result of HB 1755 and detailed in RTB # 005-19. The update specifies a former military vehicle designated as “Off-Highway Use Only” may be registered for on-road use if the vehicle is a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (known as Humvee) with a GVWR less than 10,000 lbs. As a result of HB 3068 and detailed in RTB #007-19, which amended Transportation Code, Section 504.502, updates were made to specify that as of September 1, 2019, the alpha or numeric characters on the old plate must be embossed.

Section 21.2, “Classic Motor Vehicles and Travel Trailer; Custom Vehicles; Street Rods,” was updated as a result of HB 3068 to specify that as of September 1, 2019, the alpha or numeric characters on the previously issued plate must be embossed. This information also was detailed in RTB #007-19.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
October 2019 Registration Manual Update

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Oversize/Overweight Permits Office Days of Operation

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) is adjusting the hours of its Oversize/Overweight Permits Office to enhance customer service.

The Permits Office will cease Saturday operations after Saturday, December 28. The office will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Eliminating Saturday phone service is possible due to enhancements the state invested into the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) over the last few years. Most permits that TxDMV staff can issue on a Saturday can be self-issued in TxPROS. This change will allow more permit specialists to be available on days when we see the most demand and most calls are received. That will produce an overall decrease in hold times and permit processing times for customers.

TxPROS is available 24/7 for customers who need Oversize/Overweight permits that are eligible for self-issue.

For information and tutorials on using TxPROS, visit www.TxDMV.gov and search “TxPROS.”


Source: Motor Carriers
Oversize/Overweight Permits Office Days of Operation

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Thanksgiving 2019

Texas DMV

In observance of Thanksgiving, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29. Additionally, the Oversize/Overweight Permits Office will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 30.

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at www.TxDMV.gov.

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at www.TxDMV.gov.

Have a safe and happy holiday! 

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Thanksgiving 2019

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Resolved: eLICENSING Issue – 2:30 PM CST, Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Good afternoon,

The latency issue with the eLICENSING system has been resolved as of 2:30 PM CST November 20, 2019.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact to you or your customers.

Thank you,

Customer Service
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: eLICENSING Issue – 2:30 PM CST, Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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Initial Notification: eLICENSING Issue – 1 PM CST, Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Good afternoon,

The eLICENSING system is currently experiencing latency issues. If you submit a request in eLICENSING and it does not immediately return the information you requested, please do not submit a duplicate request.

Support staff are working to resolve the issue. An update will be sent by 3:00 PM CST this afternoon, November 20, 2019.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact to you or your customers.

Thank you,

Customer Service
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLICENSING Issue – 1 PM CST, Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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Huntsville Lock-down

As of today, November 20, 2019, the TxDMV Huntsville warehouse is still under lock-down status. Over the last few days, TDCJ has provided a small crew of inmates to process orders received from TxDMV-Allocations. Orders for the Counties
and Regional Service Centers are running 2 to 3 days behind normal. Special Plates are being processed with a 2 to 3 day delay as well. I anticipate the lock-down ending early next week. I will provide more information as it becomes available.


Best regards,


Brad Beaty
Program Specialist III
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Finance and Administrative Services Division



Tell us how we’re doing. Complete our
customer satisfaction survey.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Huntsville Lock-down

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New eLearning Modules Available

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you are aware, Senate Bill 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature, added Transportation Code, Section 520.023. The legislation requires the department to implement a training program on the department’s automated registration and titling system and identification of fraudulent activity related to vehicle registration and titling.

We recently provided you with the finalized mapping document that details the eLearning Center modules required for each RTS security permission. In this document, we identified 16 new modules that were in development and would be available by mid-December in advance of the RTS release.

Today, we are pleased to notify you that the following new modules are now available:

  • A-103 – Insufficient Funds
  • A-106 – Additional Collections

Please be aware, to ensure all content is available by mid-December, these modules do not have audio because of the additional development time required. Audio will be added to these modules at a later time. The addition of the audio will be considered non-substantive and will not require retaking the module unless other substantive changes are also made.

As a reminder, these modules are available in the department’s eLearning Center and can be accessed from the TAC Hub by selecting “Go to TxDMV Learning Center” in the TAC Toolbox or directly at https://learningtxdmv.articulate-online.com/Login.aspx.

With this release we have 14 new modules remaining to be released. We will continue to release new modules in the coming weeks until all remaining modules are available for your use.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
New eLearning Modules Available

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Huntsville Lockdown – November 12, 2019

As of today, November 12, 2019, the TxDMV Warehouse located on the TDCJ-Wynne Unit in Huntsville TX is under lock-down status. At this time, TDCJ anticipates being under lock-down status through the week and
possibly into next week.  No special plate orders will be filled or shipped from the TxDMV Huntsville Warehouse until the lock-down
is over.  Small emergency orders received through TxDMV-Allocations will
be filled. Emergency orders consist of warehouse items (non-special plates) that will sustain a county or region that is near depletion for a few days. These orders must be kept to a minimum as they will be shipped Fed Ex.

An update to the lock-down status will be provided as information is received from TDCJ.


Best regards,


Brad Beaty
Program Specialist III
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Finance and Administrative Services Division



Tell us how we’re doing. Complete our
customer satisfaction survey.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Huntsville Lockdown – November 12, 2019

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Revised Registration and Title System (RTS) Training Mapping

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you are aware, Senate Bill 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature, added Transportation Code, Section 520.023. The legislation requires the department to implement a training program on the department’s automated registration and titling system and identification of fraudulent activity related to vehicle registration and titling.

In our September 4 communication, “Legislatively Required Training to Access the Registration and Title System (RTS),” we attached a preliminary document that mapped all available RTS security permissions to the eLearning modules required under the department’s training program.

We have finalized this mapping document and have attached it for your use.  This document details the eLearning Center modules required for each RTS security permission.  The changes between the preliminary and final documents are non-substantive and do not impact modules you have already taken towards specific security permissions.  The changes between these two documents are:

  1. the five AAMVA Fraud modules have been assigned a module number (A-001 through  A-005),
  2. the Status Change and Special Plates modules, which are in development and not yet available, have been renumbered from R-112 and R-113 to R-118 and R-112 respectively,
  3. the “Tow Truck” security permission and associated modules was removed, and
  4. the proposed “T-211 webDEALER” module was removed.

As a reminder, the modules listed in red (see attachment) are currently not available in the eLearning Center.  We are in the process of finalizing development of these modules and will begin making them available in the coming weeks.  These 16 new modules will be available by mid-December in advance of the RTS release.  An additional eight modules have been identified as needing updates.  These modules will be updated once development of the new modules has been completed.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Revised Registration and Title System (RTS) Training Mapping

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RTB 008-19 Transfer of Salvage or Nonrepairable Vehicles by Licensed Salvage Vehicle Dealers

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Salvage Dealers
RTB 008-19 Transfer of Salvage or Nonrepairable Vehicles by Licensed Salvage Vehicle Dealers

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Veterans Day 2019

Texas DMV

In observance of Veterans Day, all Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) offices will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11. Note to motor carriers: The Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight Permits Section will also be closed on Saturday, Nov. 9. 

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at www.TxDMV.gov.

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at www.TxDMV.gov.

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Veterans Day 2019

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eView for November 2019

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is previewing two redesigned license plates, Texas A&M Maroon and Texas A&M Classic (Crossover). We offer you the opportunity to provide input on these license plates.

Please visit us at the following link to provide your comments no later than 5:00 p.m., November 14, 2019.


The department will review and consider all input received.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
eView for November 2019

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Resolved: Website PDF issues

Texas DMV

Technical issues that prevented users from being able to download PDF files from the TxDMV website today have been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience. 



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Website PDF issues

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Initial Notification: Standard Presumptive Value (SPV) calculator in RTS

Texas DMV

Good afternoon,

An issue has been reported with the Standard Presumptive Value (SPV) calculator in RTS Point of Sale (POS). Our support staff have contacted the vendor and are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use the SPV calculator on the TxDMV homepage at https://www.txdmv.gov/.

Thank you,
IT Services Division  
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: Standard Presumptive Value (SPV) calculator in RTS

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Revised Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form 130-U) and Detailed Instructions for Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form VTR-130-UIF)

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form 130-U) has been revised as a result of Senate Bill 976, enacted by the 86th Legislature, to allow an applicant to indicate they have a communication impediment. Additionally, minor changes were made for consistency throughout the form. Due to these changes, the Detailed Instructions for Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form VTR-130-UIF) has also been revised.

The revised Form 130-U and Form VTR-130-UIF are available on our website at www.TxDMV.gov and may be used immediately.

Existing versions and pre-printed stock of Form 130-U remain valid for use. Once the existing, pre-printed stock is depleted, the revised Form 130-U will be available for order by county tax assessor-collector offices.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Revised Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form 130-U) and Detailed Instructions for Application for Texas Title and/or Registration (Form VTR-130-UIF)

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Resolved: eLICENSING System Issues

Good afternoon,

The eLICENSING system performance issues have been resolved. 

Thank you,

IT Services
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: eLICENSING System Issues

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Initial Notification: eLICENSING System Issues

Good afternoon,

The eLICENSING system is experiencing performance issues. The Salesforce vendor is working to resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 5:00 PM this afternoon, 10/25/2019.

Thank you,

IT Services
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLICENSING System Issues

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Revised Salvage Vehicle Dealer Bill of Sale for a Junk Motor Vehicle (Form VTR-203)

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Salvage Vehicle Dealer Bill of Sale for a Junk Motor Vehicle (Form VTR-203) has been revised to update the statutory references in the Salvage Vehicle Dealer Certification.  The revised Form VTR-203 is available on our website at www.TxDMV.gov for immediate use.  Existing versions of Form VTR-203 should no longer be used.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Metal Recyclers and Used Auto Part Recyclers
Revised Salvage Vehicle Dealer Bill of Sale for a Junk Motor Vehicle (Form VTR-203)

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Revised Storage Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-S)

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Storage Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-S) has been revised with non-substantive changes.  The revised Form VTR-265-S is available on our website at www.TxDMV.gov and may be used immediately.

Existing versions of Form VTR-265-S remain valid for use; however, we encourage you to begin utilizing the latest version available on our website.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Motorist Services
Revised Storage Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-S)

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Storm-Related Temporary Suspension of Motor Carrier Requirements

Governor Greg Abbott has declared a disaster for certain counties affected by the storm that struck Texas October 20, 2019. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has responded by temporarily suspending IRP vehicle registration, 72/144-hour temporary registration permits, size and weight restrictions, and oversize/overweight permitting requirements for vehicles and loads associated with activities needed to provide disaster assistance to those counties.

Included are: Cass, Cameron, Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Erath, Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Panola, Rains, Rockwall, Rusk, Tarrant, Van Zandt and Wood counties.

Motor carriers involved in these efforts should print the Governor’s declaration and the TxDMV Waiver Notice and carry both in the vehicle. Both documents are found here under “Take Note”: http://www.txdmv.gov/motor-carriers

You may use the “Bid Route” feature in the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at https://txpros.txdmv.gov/ to route loads safely during this emergency. For information on other restrictions go here: http://www.txdmv.gov/motorcarriers/permit-restrictions.

For a more accurate route than the bid route tool, contact us for routing assistance at 1-800-299-1700, option 2.




Source: Motor Carriers
Storm-Related Temporary Suspension of Motor Carrier Requirements

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TxDMV publishes rule proposals in the October 18, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has proposed rules in the October 18, 2019, issue of the Texas Register. The proposed language is available on TxDMV’s website at https://www.txdmv.gov/general-counsel/proposed-and-adopted-rules.

The proposals are posted for public comment until 5:00 p.m. on November 18, 2019. Please submit separate comments for each proposal.

The proposals include:

  • new §§217.76-217.78 concerning suspension or denial of access to the Registration and Title System; and
  • new Chapter 223 concerning county tax assessor-collector reporting of suspected fraud, waste, or abuse.



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes rule proposals in the October 18, 2019, issue of the Texas Register.

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