Resolved: RTS/Cognos available (9/22/2020 @ 11:00AM)

Good morning,

The RTS and Cognos systems are available as of 11:00 AM this morning, 9/22/2020.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS/Cognos available (9/22/2020 @ 11:00AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS/Cognos available (9/22/2020 @ 11:00AM)

Update: RTS Unavailable


Good morning,

If you are not able to access the RTS application, please restart your computer and try again.  If you are still having issues, please submit a ticket.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update: RTS Unavailable

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Update: RTS Unavailable

Initial Notification: RTS/Cognos Unavailable (9/22/2020 @ 8:10AM)


Good morning,

The RTS and Cognos systems are currently unavailable. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS/Cognos Unavailable (9/22/2020 @ 8:10AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS/Cognos Unavailable (9/22/2020 @ 8:10AM)

Resolved: RTS available (9/21/2020 @ 6:00 PM)

Good evening,

The RTS system is available as of 6:00 PM this evening, 9/21/2020.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS available (9/21/2020 @ 6:00 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS available (9/21/2020 @ 6:00 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (9/21/2020 @ 4:12 PM)


Good afternoon,

The RTS system is currently unavailable. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (9/21/2020 @ 4:12 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (9/21/2020 @ 4:12 PM)

Initial Notification: Scheduled TxPROS Maintenance, Friday, Sept. 25, 6 p.m. – Sunday, Sept. 27, 6 p.m.

Important Information: No TxPROS Availability During Maintenance

The Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) will undergo scheduled maintenance and will be unavailable beginning on Friday, Sept. 25, at 6 p.m.

The system is scheduled to be back online by Sunday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.

For questions, please contact the Oversize/Overweight Permits Office at 1-800-299-1700, option 2. Call center hours are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. 


Source: Motor Carriers
Initial Notification: Scheduled TxPROS Maintenance, Friday, Sept. 25, 6 p.m. – Sunday, Sept. 27, 6 p.m.

Posted in Motor Carriers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: Scheduled TxPROS Maintenance, Friday, Sept. 25, 6 p.m. – Sunday, Sept. 27, 6 p.m.

RTB 012-20 Title Revocation Affidavit for Incorrect Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) Surrendered

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
RTB 012-20 Title Revocation Affidavit for Incorrect Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) Surrendered

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Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 3:30 PM

Good afternoon,

The MCCS System was available as of 3:30 PM this afternoon, 9/15/2020.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 3:30 PM

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 3:30 PM

Initial Notification: MCCS Application Reboot Scheduled 9/15/2020 at 3:00 PM

Good afternoon,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicle will be rebooting the MCCS application at 3:00 PM today, September 15, 2020.  Users may experience intermittent connectivity issues while the application is being rebooted. If you experience difficulty accessing the MCCS application, please wait a few minutes and try again.

Thank you, 

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department  




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: MCCS Application Reboot Scheduled 9/15/2020 at 3:00 PM

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Initial Notification: MCCS Application Reboot Scheduled 9/15/2020 at 3:00 PM

Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 12:55 PM

Good afternoon,

The MCCS System was available as of 12:55 PM this afternoon, 9/15/2020.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division





Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 12:55 PM

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: MCCS Application 9/15/2020 at 12:55 PM

Initial Notification: MCCS Application Reboot Scheduled 9/15/2020 at 12:30 PM

Good afternoon,

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicle will be rebooting the MCCS application at 12:30 PM today, September 15, 2020.  Users may experience intermittent connectivity issues while the application is being rebooted. If you experience difficulty accessing the MCCS application, please wait a few minutes and try again.

Thank you, 

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department  




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: MCCS Application Reboot Scheduled 9/15/2020 at 12:30 PM

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Labor Day 2020

Texas DMV

In observance of Labor Day, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7, 2020.

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at For information about the waiver of requirements because of the COVID-19 pandemic, visit

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at

Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Labor Day 2020

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Resolved: eLICENSING: Conga available (09/01/2020 @ 12:00 PM)

Good afternoon,

The eLicensing issue have been resolved. At this time, Conga is available.

Thank you,

IT Services
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: eLICENSING: Conga available (09/01/2020 @ 12:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Resolved: eLICENSING: Conga available (09/01/2020 @ 12:00 PM)

Initial Notification: eLicensing: Conga unavailable (9/01/2020 @ 9:00AM)

Good morning,

An issue has been reported where some users are unable to use Conga. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLicensing: Conga unavailable (9/01/2020 @ 9:00AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: eLicensing: Conga unavailable (9/01/2020 @ 9:00AM)

Updates to the VTR-998 and VTR-999 and Specialty Plate Guide

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The Love Honey Bees specialty license plate will be available be available for use on September 1, 2020.  The following documents have been updated to include the new Love Honey Bees specialty license plate:

  • Specialty Plate Guide
  • Application for Specialty License Plates (Form VTR-999)
  • Souvenir License Plate Order Form (Form VTR-998)

The updated Specialty Plate Guide (guide) is available on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Tax Assessor-Collectors Hub webpage at  The guide can be accessed in the drop-down menu under “Manuals & Guides” on the right side of the page.  Below is a screenshot showing the location of the guide.

August 27

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Updates to the VTR-998 and VTR-999 and Specialty Plate Guide

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Complete: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/30/2020 @ 12:00 AM)


Good morning,

The deployment of the eLicensing Release 9.8.0 was completed as of 12:00 AM this morning, 08/30/2020.

Thank you,

Department of Motor Vehicles






Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Complete: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/30/2020 @ 12:00 AM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Complete: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/30/2020 @ 12:00 AM)

Reminder: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

Good afternoon,


The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing system with Release 9.8.0 on Saturday, August 29, 2020 starting at 10:00 PM until Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 1:00 AM. During the deployment of the 9.8.0 Release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues.


Note: A reply to all will be sent out when maintenance has been completed. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience issues after the maintenance has been completed.


Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Services Division




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Reminder: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

Postponement of Programming Release for Statewide webDEALER Adoption

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you are aware, Senate Bill (SB) 604, enacted by the 86th Legislature, amended Transportation Code, Section 520.005 by adding Subsection (e).  This new subsection requires each county tax assessor-collector to make webDEALER available to any licensed motor vehicle dealers (“dealers”) requesting access effective September 1, 2020.

The department’s webDEALER project team has worked to address defects and previous enhancement requests made by county tax assessor-collectors and dealers currently utilizing webDEALER.  Programming changes for this first release were originally scheduled for August 31 to coincide with the effective date of SB 604.  The department is actively involved in User Acceptance Testing to ensure a high-quality product and therefore has postponed the release.  The department will provide an update as we determine a new release date. 

Please note that postponement of the programming release has no impact on the requirement to provide webDEALER access to dealers who make a request effective September 1, 2020.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Postponement of Programming Release for Statewide webDEALER Adoption

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Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements Suspended for Hurricane Laura Response

Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements Suspended for Hurricane Laura Response

Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared a disaster for 59 Texas counties in advance of Hurricane Laura’s expected landfall Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has responded by temporarily suspending oversize/overweight permitting requirements for vehicles and loads associated with activities necessary to respond to the disaster. A copy of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Waiver and the TxDMV Waiver Notice must be carried in the vehicle. Please see related information at  

Source: Motor Carriers
Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements Suspended for Hurricane Laura Response

Posted in Motor Carriers | Comments Off on Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements Suspended for Hurricane Laura Response

Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

Good morning,


The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing system with Release 9.8.0 on Saturday, August 29, 2020 starting at 10:00 PM until Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 1:00 AM. During the deployment of the 9.8.0 Release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues.


Note: A reply to all will be sent out when maintenance has been completed. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience issues after the maintenance has been completed.


Thank you,


Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

IT Services Division




Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 9.8.0 (8/29/2020 @ 10:00 PM)

TxDMV Huntsville Warehouse Closure – Hurricane Laura

Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
TxDMV Huntsville Warehouse Closure – Hurricane Laura

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on TxDMV Huntsville Warehouse Closure – Hurricane Laura

TxDMV publishes rule proposals in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has proposed rules in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register. The proposed language is available on TxDMV’s website at

The proposals are posted for public comment until 5:00 p.m. on September 21, 2020. Please submit separate comments for each proposal.

The proposals include:

  • amendments to §206.22, §215.22 and §215.55; and new §§215.59-215.63 concerning contested cases and a petition for rulemaking;
  • amendments to §215.500 and §218.72; and new §215.504 clarifying the refund authority for motor vehicle buyers and lessees; and refund to a consumer who paid the motor carrier to transport household goods;
  • amendments to §209.23, §§219.2, 219.11, 219.13-219.15, 219.42, 219.43 and 219.61-219.63 concerning escort flag vehicles including the use of certain types of lighting equipment; removing escrow account payment for certain types of permits;
  • amendments to §219.31 and §219.126; and repeal of 219.83 relating to movement of oversize or overweight vehicles and enforcement of motor vehicle size and weight limitations;
  • new §221.96 establishing a process under which the board may issue a cease and desist order to prohibit a person from violating statutes, board rules, or board orders, after notice and an opportunity for hearing; and
  • new §206.151 and §223.101 concerning risk-based monitoring and prevention of title and registration fraud.

Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes rule proposals in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on TxDMV publishes rule proposals in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

TxDMV publishes rule adoptions in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has adopted rules in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register. The adopted language is available on TxDMV’s website at

The adoptions are effective August 26, 2020, and include:

  • amendments to §217.144 concerning the renaming of Automobile Burglary Theft Prevention Authority to Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority; and
  • amendments to §217.182 concerning registration and license plates, adding a new transaction type.


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV publishes rule adoptions in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on TxDMV publishes rule adoptions in the August 21, 2020, issue of the Texas Register.

Movement of Oversize/Overweight Loads for Tropical Storms Marco and Laura

Federal Disaster Relief Permits Available

Motor carriers transporting a divisible load that is overweight only to and within the areas affected by Tropical Storms Marco and Laura may self-issue a Federal Disaster Relief Permit through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS).

A copy of the President’s declaration must be carried with the permit. The declaration can be found here: or

The Federal Disaster Relief Permit allows for travel on all state and federal roads, including the interstate highway system. The permit may not be used for overwidth, overlength, or overheight loads.

Vehicles moving with this permit may only deliver relief supplies (the entire load must consist of relief supplies), or assist in expediting debris removal from roadways, staging areas, or temporary structure locations to facilitate the delivery of relief supplies.

See permit for a complete list of movement conditions and restrictions.

If you have a TxPROS account but do not remember the username, please contact us. If you do not remember your password and the email address on the account, please contact us for assistance at 1-800-299-1700, options 2-5-4, during Permits Office call center hours of 7 – 4:30 p.m. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.




Source: Motor Carriers
Movement of Oversize/Overweight Loads for Tropical Storms Marco and Laura

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Motor Carrier Size and Weight – Webinar

Attention Motor Carriers:

Please join us online Wednesday, August 26, 2020 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for our Motor Carrier Size & Weight Training Seminar.  We will be using the GoToWebinar platform to provide information on issues that concern you and your motor carrier business.

The presentation will provide an overview of basic Motor Carrier regulations, including an introduction into Oversize/Overweight operations, permitting and enforcement. Representatives from the Enforcement Division will provide valuable information to help you and your business operate as required by law. 

Subjects covered include: 

  • Receiving and maintaining an active TxDMV Certificate number
  • Understanding basic weight law
  • Permits
  • Record keeping
  • Enforcement Processes

This training is beneficial for all new motor carriers and it serves as a refresher for all licensed carriers to keep you up to date on regulatory requirements applicable to the industry. Registration is limited. 

Please register for Motor Carrier Size & Weight Training – Webinar on August 26, 2020 8:30 AM CDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please check your “junk/spam” email if you don’t receive the confirmation email, sometimes the email does get filtered into a “junk/spam” email box.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®

Webinars Made Easy®


Thank you,


Tracey Stafford, Assistant Chief Investigator

Enforcement Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



Source: Motor Carriers
Motor Carrier Size and Weight – Webinar

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