Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Information on Statewide webDEALER Adoption
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Information on Statewide webDEALER Adoption
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Final Reminder on County Training Program
Source: Motor Carriers
Household Goods Mover Training – Webinar
Good morning,
The issue where some users were unable to log into RTS or process transactions has been resolved.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS Issue Reported (8/5/2020 @ 10:00 AM)
Good morning,
An issue has been reported where some users are unable to log into RTS or unable to process transactions. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.
Statewide ticket #246296
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Issue Reported (8/5/2020 @ 8:44 AM)
Good evening,
The webDEALER system was available at 6:07PM this evening, 8/4/2020.
Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: webDEALER System Available (8/4/2020 @ 6:07 PM)
Good evening,
The RTS system was available at 6:07 PM this evening, 8/4/2020.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS System Available (8/4/2020 @ 6:07 PM)
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Board has scheduled an Open Meeting via telephone conference call.
Board Meeting
Thursday, August 6, 2020 – 8 a.m. via Webex or the toll free number below. If you have any technical questions about accessing the meeting, please send an email to Board.Tech.Help@txdmv.gov or call (512) 465-5665.
Instructions for accessing the meeting via Webex:
Phone number for accessing the meeting via phone:
United States Toll Free: 1-844-740-1264
Event number/Access code: 133 525 4935
Event Passcode: 080620
Link to August 6, 2020, TxDMV Board Meeting Documents: https://www.txdmv.gov/about-us/txdmv-board-meetings
TxDMV board and committee meetings are open to the public. However, all public participation on August 6 will be online or through phone due to the COVID-19 situation. Anyone not participating in the meeting is encouraged to livestream it instead of entering the WebEx meeting. Visit the TxDMV board page for agendas and transcripts.
Commenters must send an email to GCO_General@txdmv.gov with one of the following prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Board Meeting – August 6, 2020
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Board has scheduled an Open Meeting via telephone conference call.
Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 – 2 p.m. via Webex or the toll free number below. If you have any technical questions about accessing the meeting, please send an email to Board.Tech.Help@txdmv.gov or call (512) 465-5665.
Instructions for accessing the meeting via Webex:
Phone number for accessing the meeting via phone:
United States Toll Free: 1-844-740-1264
Event number/Access code: 133 527 5200
Event Passcode: 080520
Link to August 5, 2020, TxDMV Board Meeting Documents: https://www.txdmv.gov/about-us/txdmv-board-meetings
TxDMV board and committee meetings are open to the public. However, all public participation on August 5 will be online or through phone due to the COVID-19 situation. Anyone not participating in the meeting is encouraged to livestream it instead of entering the WebEx meeting. Visit the TxDMV board page for agendas and transcripts.
Commenters must send an email to GCO_General@txdmv.gov with one of the following prior to the agenda item being taken up by the Board:
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Finance and Audit Committee Meeting – August 5, 2020
Good afternoon,
The RTS system is currently unavailable. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.
Statewide ticket #246296
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Unavailable (8/4/2020 @ 3:40 PM)
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Detailed Reporting Available for County Closure Transactions
Good morning,
The deployment of the RTS System updates were completed as of 5:35 AM this morning, 08/02/2020.
Thank you,
Department of Motor Vehicles
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Complete: RTS Release 9.7.2 (8/2/2020 @ 5:35 AM)
Good afternoon,
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing System from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday (8/1/2020). During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues when trying to access the system.
Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Reminder: eLicensing Release 9.7.2 (8/1/2020 @ 6 PM)
Good afternoon,
Over the weekend of July 31, 2020, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration Titling System (RTS). During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues to the following applications:
Starting at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday (8/1/2020):
Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Reminder: RTS Release 9.7.2 (8/1/2020 @ 6 PM)
Good afternoon,
Over the weekend of July 31, 2020, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the eLicensing System. During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues when trying to access the system.
Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLicensing Release 9.7.2 (8/1/2020 @ 6 PM)
Good afternoon,
Over the weekend of July 31, 2020, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) will update the Registration Titling System (RTS). During the deployment of the new release you may experience intermittent connectivity issues to the following applications:
Starting at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday (8/1/2020):
Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete. Please contact the TxDMV Customer Service department if you experience system issues after the maintenance has been completed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS Release 9.7.2 (8/1/2020 @ 6 PM)
Federal Disaster Relief Permits Available Motor carriers transporting a divisible load that is overweight only to and within the areas affected by Hurricane Hanna may self-issue a Federal Disaster Relief Permit through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS). https://txpros.txdmv.gov/. A copy of the President’s declaration must be carried with the permit. The declaration can be found here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-approves-texas-emergency-declaration/ The Federal Disaster Relief Permit allows for travel on all state and federal roads, including the interstate highway system. The permit may not be used for overwidth, overlength, or overheight loads. Vehicles moving with this permit may only deliver relief supplies (the entire load must consist of relief supplies), or assist in expediting debris removal from roadways, staging areas, or temporary structure locations. See permit for a complete list of movement conditions and restrictions. http://www.txdmv.gov/oversize-weight-permits/emergency-relief-permit If you have a TxPROS account but do not remember the username, please contact us. If you do not remember your password and the email address on the account, please contact us for assistance at 1-800-299-1700, options 2-5-4, during Permits Office call center hours of 7 – 4:30 p.m. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
Source: Motor Carriers
Movement of Oversize/Overweight Loads for Hurricane Hanna Disaster
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTS 9.7.1 Entry of Email Address for Special Plates
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
New Vendor License Plate, Zeta Phi Beta
Good morning,
The RTS system is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue. An update will be sent as more information becomes available.
The statewide ticket for this issue is: 245296
If you would like to speak to a Service Desk Representative, please call us at 512-465-4010 or toll free at 1-877-933-2020, option one (1). The Service Desk is available from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Central Time), Monday through Friday. You may also send email to: ServiceDesk@TxDMV.gov
We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Department
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification (07/20/2020 @ 10:00 AM CDT) – RTS Slowness
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: eLICENSING System Slowness
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: eLICENSING System slowness
Source: Motorist Services
July 2020 Motor Vehicle Title Manual Update
Source: Motorist Services
July 2020 Registration Manual Update
Good morning,
The webDEALER login issue has been resolved. If you require additional assistance, please call our Customer Service Department to open a Remedy ticket.
Please remember that if you used an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into webDEALER as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
IT Services Division
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: Network Issue (7/15/2020 @ 10:35AM)