Resolved: Issues Regarding Certified Copies of Texas Titles (CCOs) Following RTS 9.2 Release

Good Morning,

Following the release of RTS 9.2, specific errors related to Texas title records were identified, the following of which were resolved by Saturday, February 16, 2019:

  • When an existing Texas Title record is not found in a Title Event, Texas
    Ownership Evidence types will be unavailable for selection in the
    drop-down on the Ownership Evidence screen.

    Contact your local Regional Service Center should an existing Texas title record
    not be found when a Texas title type is surrendered as ownership evidence. 
    The Regional Service Center will confirm the validity of the surrendered ownership
    evidence and request Vehicle Data Management staff add the record to the
    Registration and Title System to facilitate completion of the transaction.

  • When an existing Texas Title record is found, the following message
    will be presented to the clerk if Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin
    is selected on the Ownership Evidence screen.

    Texas title ownership

    The surrendered ownership evidence should be reviewed to ensure the correct
    ownership evidence type was selected when presented with this message.

As always, if you run into a scenario where a Texas title cannot be processed when there is not a business reason for it to be stopped, please request an authorization override code and log a ticket
with as many details as possible to help us accurately identify the issue.

If you have any questions, please contact a Customer Service representative at our Consumer Relations Division. If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. 


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Consumer Relations Division

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351




Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Issues Regarding Certified Copies of Texas Titles (CCOs) Following RTS 9.2 Release

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Completed: webDEALER/eTAG: Scheduled Maintenance (02/17/2019 @ 04:35 AM Central Time)

Good Morning,

The scheduled maintenance was completed as of 04:10 AM Central Time this morning, 02/17/2019.  If you experience new issues, please contact Customer Service.


Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into eTAG as soon as the system is accessible. Doing this will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.


If you would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday.


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,

TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Completed: webDEALER/eTAG: Scheduled Maintenance (02/17/2019 @ 04:35 AM Central Time)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Completed: webDEALER/eTAG: Scheduled Maintenance (02/17/2019 @ 04:35 AM Central Time)

Initial Notification: webDEALER/eTAG: DIR Scheduled Maintenance (02/16/2019 @ 07:00 PM Central Time)

Good Afternoon,


On Saturday, 02/16/2019, the Department of Information Resources (DIR) will be performing system maintenance that will affect 30 State Agencies, including TxDMV.  The duration of the maintenance is scheduled for up to 11 hours, beginning Saturday (02/16/2019) at 07:00 PM Central Time and lasting until Sunday (02/17/2019) 06:00 AM Central Time.

webDEALER/eTAG will be unavailable for up to one (1) hour, starting at 7:00 PM (02/16/2019), followed by intermittent connectivity during the maintenance window.


As a reminder, if you are unable to print buyer’s tags, you should use your pre-printed Internet Down buyer’s tags.   As you know, every dealer is now allowed a minimum of 30 Internet Down tags.  If you have less than 30 printed, print your full allocation now so you are prepared when the eTags system is unavailable.  Please remember that after using an Internet Down tag, you must enter the information for that tag into eTags as soon as the system is accessible.  Doing this, will ensure you always have the full allocation of unused Internet Down tags available when you need them. Also remember that unused Internet Down tags are valid for one year from the date they are printed.


Note: A reply to all will be sent when the maintenance is complete.  Please contact Customer Service if you experience system issues after the end of the maintenance.

If you would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,

TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351


Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: webDEALER/eTAG: DIR Scheduled Maintenance (02/16/2019 @ 07:00 PM Central Time)

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on Initial Notification: webDEALER/eTAG: DIR Scheduled Maintenance (02/16/2019 @ 07:00 PM Central Time)

Resolved: RTS issue (02/15/2019 @ 11:00 AM)

Good Morning,

The issue with the RTS system has been resolved. If you encounter new issues, please contact a Customer Service representative.


If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS issue (02/15/2019 @ 11:00 AM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS issue (02/15/2019 @ 11:00 AM)

Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (2/15/2019 @ 10:54 AM)

Good Morning,

An issue has been reported with the RTS system that may prevent some users from processing transactions. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 11:30 AM today (2/15/2019) or as new information becomes available.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (2/15/2019 @ 10:54 AM)

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – Presidents' Day 2019

In observance of Presidents’ Day, all Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) offices will be closed on Monday, February 18, and the Oversize/Overweight Permits Office will be closed on Saturday, February 16. 

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at



Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Presidents' Day 2019

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Resolved: RTS issue (02/12/2019 @ 4:08 PM)

Good Afternoon,

The issue with the RTS system has been resolved. If you encounter new issues, please contact a Customer Service representative.


If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS issue (02/12/2019 @ 4:08 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS issue (02/12/2019 @ 4:08 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (2/12/2019 @ 3:55 PM)

Good Afternoon,

An issue has been reported with the RTS system that may prevent some users from processing transactions. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 4:30 PM today (2/12/2019) or as new information becomes available.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (2/12/2019 @ 3:55 PM)

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TxDMV Board Meetings – February 2019




The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) Board has scheduled the following meetings for the month of February 2019: 

Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 – 2 p.m.  
4000 Jackson Avenue, Austin – Lone Star Room

Board Meeting 
Thursday, February 7, 2019 – 8:30 a.m.  
4000 Jackson Avenue, Austin – Lone Star Room

TxDMV board and committee meetings are open to the public. Full board meetings are streamed online. Visit the TxDMV board page for agendas and transcripts.


Source: News and Information
TxDMV Board Meetings – February 2019

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Resolved: Cognos Reports Access Issue (01/28/2019 @ 09:03 AM Central Time)

Good morning,


The issue with the Cognos System preventing users from running reports has been resolved. If you experience new issues with the Cognos System, please contact Customer Service. 

If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles 
Customer Service 
(512) 465-3351


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: Cognos Reports Access Issue (01/28/2019 @ 09:03 AM Central Time)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: Cognos Reports Access Issue (01/28/2019 @ 09:03 AM Central Time)

Initial Notification: Cognos Reports Access Issue (01/28/2019 @ 08:35 AM Central Time)

Good morning,


An issue has been identified with the Cognos System which may cause some users to be unable to access reports. IT Support is working to resolve the issue.

A notification will be sent once the reports are available. 

If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday.

We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles 
Customer Service 
(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: Cognos Reports Access Issue (01/28/2019 @ 08:35 AM Central Time)

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Time to Renew Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) finalized rules for 2019 Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) fees in December 2018. The registration period began on December 28, 2018 and will continue through December 31, 2019. The UCR Board recommends that enforcement begin April 1, 2019.

To register for 2019 UCR, please visit and follow the instructions below. This is a new PAPERLESS system (no longer the Indiana system). It is recommended that you use Chrome, Firefox, or Edge as your browser when accessing the website.

  • Sign into the National Registration System (NRS) website using your USDOT number and the last 4 digits of your Tax ID Number. If you are a sole proprietor, enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
  • If you operated as an interstate carrier in 2018 and did not register, you must register for that year now.
  • If you are not engaged in Interstate commerce and do not require Texas intrastate authority, you can request inactivation of your USDOT number by sending an e-mail to
  • If you are not engaged in Interstate commerce but have a TxDMV Intrastate Certificate,  contact the FMCSA at 800-832-5660 and update your USDOT number to show that you are INTRASTATE ONLY. If you do not update your USDOT profile you will continue to receive the UCR notices and reminders.

Failure to register could result in fines and penalties starting at $300

For questions or additional information, contact the TxDMV Motor Carrier Division at 1-800-299-1700, then select options 3-4-3.


Source: Motor Carriers
Time to Renew Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)

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RTS POS Online Help Webinar

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

Webinars will be held for county tax assessor-collector offices to discuss Registration and Title System (RTS) Point-of-Sale (POS) Online Help. This training opportunity will help you learn about RTS POS resources available online for your use.

The webinar schedule is listed below, and space is limited. Please reserve your virtual “seat” as soon as possible by registering through one of the links.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019, at 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CST

Tuesday, January 29, 2019, at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST

Wednesday, January 30, 2019, at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST

Thursday, January 31, 2019, at 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CST

Continuing education credit may be considered for Tax assessor-collectors and deputies who participate in certain TxDMV hosted webinars. A submission form has been created for you to log your information on the TxDMV website on the Tax Assessor-Collectors hub by clicking the Continuing Education Credit icon.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any comments or suggestions concerning this VTR communication process, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
RTS POS Online Help Webinar

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County NMVTIS Reports Unavailable Today (01/22/2019)

Due to the AAMVA outage the weekend of January 19-20, 2019, our Friday file was not processed and county NMVTIS reports will be blank the morning of Tuesday, January 22.  These reports will be available Wednesday, January 23. 



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
County NMVTIS Reports Unavailable Today (01/22/2019)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on County NMVTIS Reports Unavailable Today (01/22/2019)

NMVTIS online & batch processing maintenance: Jan. 19-21

Good afternoon,

NMVTIS online and batch processing will be down for maintenance beginning Saturday, January 19, at 3 p.m. CST through Monday, January 21, at 9 a.m. CST.

We do not anticipate any impact on batch reports for Monday and Tuesday if this outage goes as planned.

TxDMV will monitor NMVTIS inquiry error reports to ensure they are not impacted by the outage. In the event that a report is not generated, the department will resend the report and notify counties when that occurs. 

If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. Please be aware that Texas Department of Motor Vehicles offices will be closed on Monday, January 21, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Thank you,

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Customer Service
(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
NMVTIS online & batch processing maintenance: Jan. 19-21

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NMVTIS Inquiry Report for Today (1/17/2019) is Not Available

Good morning,


The NMVTIS data file was not received from AAMVA for today, Thursday January 17, 2019.  As a result, there is no NMVTIS report available for today. 


If you would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative, please call us at 512-465-3351.  Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday.


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


Customer Service

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351


Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
NMVTIS Inquiry Report for Today (1/17/2019) is Not Available

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TxDMV Holiday Hours – MLK Day

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, all Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019, and the Oversize/Overweight Permits Office will be closed on Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019. 

Vehicle title and registration services: Most vehicle title and registration services are provided by your county tax office. County tax office hours may vary. Registration renewal is available online 24/7 at

Oversize/Overweight permits: Motor Carrier Oversize/Overweight permits can be ordered online 24/7 through the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at



Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – MLK Day

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Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 5:24 PM)

Good afternoon,

The issue with the RTS system has been resolved.  You may need to restart your RTS session. Please check your set aside transactions and your Transaction Reconciliation Report. If you encounter new issues please contact a customer service representative.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 5:24 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 5:24 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (1/14/2019 @ 4:35 PM)

Good afternoon,

An issue has been reported with the RTS system that may prevent some users from logging on. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 6:00 PM today (1/14/2019) or as new information becomes available.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (1/14/2019 @ 4:35 PM)

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Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 3:50 PM)

Good afternoon,

The issue with the RTS system has been resolved.  You may need to restart your RTS session. Please check your set aside transactions and your Transaction Reconciliation Report. If you encounter new issues please contact a customer service representative.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 3:50 PM)

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Resolved: RTS issue (1/14/2019 @ 3:50 PM)

Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (1/14/2019 @ 3:31 PM)

Good afternoon,

An issue has been reported with the RTS system that may prevent some users from logging on. Support staff are working to identify and resolve the issue.  An update will be sent by 4:30 PM today (1/14/2019) or as new information becomes available.


If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.


Thank you,


TxDMV Customer Service

Department of Motor Vehicles

(512) 465-3351



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: RTS issue reported (1/14/2019 @ 3:31 PM)

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Mover Training Seminar – Houston

Attention all Household Goods Motor Carriers:

We are pleased to announce our next Mover Training Seminar on February 5th, 2019, in Houston, Texas.  This presentation will be a basic overview of the rules and regulations pertaining to the household goods motor carrier industry.

Representatives from our Enforcement and Motor Carrier divisions will provide valuable information on mover operations.  This information is beneficial for any parties interested in becoming a new household goods motor carrier (mover) as well as a good refresher for all licensed movers in keeping up to date on any rule updates within the industry.

We are excited to have you join us, to learn and discuss issues that concern you and your business.


Thank you;

Luis Perez, Assistant Chief Investigator

Enforcement Division

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles





Source: Motor Carriers
Mover Training Seminar – Houston

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Update to Correct Title Rejection Event for RTS 9.2.

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

As you are aware, the department implemented Registration and Title System (RTS) Release 9.2 on December 31, 2018. As part of this release, RTS requires entry of the last four digits of the document number when any Texas title type is selected as the ownership evidence.

A defect was identified impacting the Correct Title Rejection event. RTS required the entry of the last four digits of the newly created document number associated with the rejected record, instead of those for the surrendered title used to support the original transaction. As a result, we communicated with you on December 31 requesting you not process impacted transactions through the Correct Title Rejection event until RTS was updated.

We are pleased to inform you RTS has been updated, and you may now resume processing corrections through the Correct Title Rejection event.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we worked to make the update as quickly as possible.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division


If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update to Correct Title Rejection Event for RTS 9.2.

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Update to Correct Title Rejection Event for RTS 9.2.

Matrix of Registration Forms

Please review and distribute as appropriate.

The department recently notified stakeholders that the Vehicle Titles and Registration Division had completed a review and/or update of 60 registration related forms and made the updated forms available on the TxDMV website. To assist with recent inquiries on which forms had revisions, we have created a Matrix of Registration Form Updates which lists each of the 60 internal and external registration related forms and their update status.

The matrix is attached for your reference and can also be found on the TxDMV website on the Tax Assessor-Collectors page under the Resources tab and the References section at:

As a reminder, we will continue to accept prior versions of these forms as you delete your existing stock.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Matrix of Registration Forms

Posted in Tax Assessor-Collectors | Comments Off on Matrix of Registration Forms

January 2019 Title Manual Revision


The latest update to the Motor Vehicle Title Manual (attached) is now available via Registration and Title System workstations and at

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to email any comments or suggestions to (please note the underscores between VTR and Title and between Title and Reg).

Updates for this release are marked with red change bars in the text.

Chapter 6 – Application and Issuance of Motor Vehicle Title
Section 6.5, “Registration Purposes Only (RPO),” was updated to clarify the procedure for correcting a Registration Purposes Only record.

Chapter 8 – Refusal/Denial of Title
Section 8.3, “Bonded Title,” was updated to specify a bonding company is not required to complete the certification statement on the TxDMV rejection letter when a lien is on the motor vehicle record if a separate document with the same certification language is provided. Additionally, a surety bond remains effective for three years from the effective date of the bond, even if the vehicle changes ownership.

Chapter 10 – Evidence of Ownership
Section 10.2, “Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO),” was updated in accordance with Registration and Title Bulletin #005-18, which specified a new vehicle must be the subject of a first retail sale before a Texas title can be issued. Additionally, new motor vehicles sold in Texas must be sold by a licensed Texas franchise motor vehicle dealer.

Thank you,

Jeremiah Kuntz, Director



If you have any questions concerning this communication, please contact your local TxDMV Regional Service Center.



Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
January 2019 Title Manual Revision

Posted in Dealers and Manufacturers | Comments Off on January 2019 Title Manual Revision