Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Annual County Fee Changes for 2020
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Annual County Fee Changes for 2020
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Successfully Completed: Texas NIC Maintenance 7/18/2019
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Initial Notification: Scheduled Maintenance (07/20/2019 @ 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM Central Time)
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: Texas NIC Network Maintenance 7/18/2019 from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM Central Time
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
TxDMV Advisory Committees
Source: News and Information
Go for the gold: TxDMV recognizes seven counties for outstanding performance
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
43 TAC Chapters 208, 209, and 210-Rule Review Readoption
Source: Motor Carriers
TxDMV Holiday Hours – Independence Day 2019
Source: Motor Carriers
Motor Carrier Credentialing System (MCCS) and the Electronic Licensing, Insurance and Credentialing (eLINC) system back online
Source: Motor Carriers
Motor Carrier Credentialing System (MCCS) and the Electronic Licensing, Insurance and Credentialing (eLINC) system are offline
Good afternoon,
Please disregard the NMVTIS Inventory Report that was sent out for June 13, 2019 as an attachment yesterday. The data provided in the spreadsheet is not accurate. An updated NMVTIS Inventory Report for June 13, 2019 is manually being run again. The updated report will be sent out as soon as it is available.
If you would like to speak to a Customer Service representative, please call us at 512-465-3351. Customer Service is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT, Monday through Friday.
We apologize for the inconvenience and any impact on you or your customers.
Thank you,
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Customer Service
(512) 465-3351
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
NMVTIS Inquiry Reports (7/2/2019 @ 12:00 PM)
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Resolved: NMVTIS Inquiry Reports (7/1/2019 @ 2:52 PM CDT)
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
eTITLE Training for Tax Assessor-Collectors and Staff
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
eTITLE Training
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Repeal of Photographic Traffic Signal Enforcement Systems
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Successfully Completed: Texas NIC Maintenance 6/23/2019
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
House Bill (HB) 1548 – Off-Highway Vehicles
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Reminder: Texas NIC Maintenance 6/23/2019 from 2:00 am to 8:00 am CST
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: Texas NIC Maintenance 6/23/2019 from 2:00 am to 8:00 am CST
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Resolved: webDEALER/eTAG & eLICENSING Issues
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Update: NMVTIS Inquiry Report (6/18/2019 @ 2:12 PM)
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Source: Motor Carriers
MCCS and eLINC are temporarily down for technical reasons
Source: Tax Assessor-Collectors
Initial Notification: NMVITS Inquiry Report (6/14/2019 @ 8:55 AM)
Source: Dealers and Manufacturers
Informal Working Drafts and Request for Informal Comments on Rules Relating to Fitness for Salvage Vehicle Dealer and Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses